Friends or Boyfriends?

487 4 8

Warnings: None.
Ship: Donny × Donut.
Requested by: @Adelamora3
Ship name: Dondon
Type: Fluff

Little donny:
I decided to take Donut on a walk. Because, its Warm out. So why not? I mean, me and kelly used to date but we had an Argument and broke up. I dont love her Anymore. I love donut! I took him To a little park on the outer area of my Kingdom. The park was small yet Cute. I just wanted to see two Amazing things, at the same time.

{Time skip}

Donuts Pov:
Donny took me out to a park. It was sweet! We got Mc Donald's and Ate it there. Luckily, we had sat on a bench facing where the sun usually sets. He was Wearing a rainbow Bracelet. Funnily enough, I was to.

"Donny?" I asked

"Yes?" He Replied.

"Would you care for me if I said I was Gay?" I asked.

"Ofcourse! Your my Best friend. I would always care for you" He Answered. I paused while my heart broke. 'Best friend?' He thinks of me as his Best friend!

"Donny, Hear me out. I am gay! Ok? And, I have been for a while. I've been waiting for the right guy and I've found him! He thinks of me as his friend!" I Admit.

"Oh" Donny Said.

Little donnys pov:
I was happy for Donut. He found a guy he loved. I was a little Sad though. I'd fallen for the wrong guy! Well, the right guy But he had a crush.

"Look, I know your going to ask so I might as well tell you. The guy I have a crush on is my best friend. He's always there for me when I need him and I'm always there for him. He Cares so much for me! I would take a bullet for him! A legitimate bullet. Y'know what? He is you, Donny. I love you!" Donut Told me.

"Donut i- I love you too. I can't Explain how much I care and love you!" I reply.

We hung around for a while. I couldn't take it any longer and kissed him. He kissed back in shock but still enjoyed it. I love him so much. I Always will

Even if it kills me...

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