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Requested by: Adelamora3
Type: Angst.
Ship: Dondon
Characters: Donut, Donny
Warnings: Mentions of death

Little Donnys Pov:
I just woke up from a Nightmare. Jonathan was beating me up and killed me in it. I had to call donut. I'm petrified! He literally lives here. What if he does Kill me!! What if I'm asleep and he stabs me! I just need to stop overthinking this and ring Donut

Donny: hey donut.
Donut: hey donny, why are you Awake at this time of the night.
Donny: I had a Nightmare... about Jonathan...
Donut: Hey... it's ok... I'm going to come over to your house...
Donny: ok...

I hope he does come over...

Donuts pov:
I Quickly got in my car and drove to donnys house. I had just gotten a call saying he had a Nightmare. I hope it wasnt to bad.

I got there and walked in. I went to his room and heard sobbing. I ran in and saw he was the person who was sobbing. I hugged him and he looked up at me, Then cried into my chest.

"Shhhh, its ok love... he's not going to hurt you, it wasnt real." I inform him.

"B..But what if he does!!" Donny sobbed.

"Then I'll go and beat the Jesus out of him!" I Whisper with confidence. I heard donny giggle slightly.

"Ok... I believe you but... if he does, promise me you will protect me?" He asked.

Donnys pov:
I waited for him to say he wouldn't and beat me up. But instead he Pulled me into his chest even tighter

"Of course  I will protect you love. I always will. No matter the Circumstances.." he Replied.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise!" He Answered.

We continued hugging till I fell back asleep.
A/n: hi! How are you all? Good? I hope. Any who, I think this turned out alright.

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