Even if it kills me

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Requested by: Dliloraptor
Ship: Ramona x Evil Jonathan.
Warnings: None.
Type: Fluff.
Extra Information: Hello! Sorry for the late update!

No ones pov:

Ramona was Sitting inside her Room in the castle. She had enough of King tom and his games. When she met evil Jonathan, she was immediately attracted to him. She didn't tell anyone though.

After a while, Jonathan got fed up of Chasing after Victoria. She didn't like him anymore so he decided to move on. He wanted to talk to ramona more. Possibly get together with her.

They Met up in Oakville (I think that's how you spell it) and had a chat.

"Ramona, I am over her I just can't stop thinking about how if they find me that they'll try to put me in jail" Jonathan explained.

"You could come live secretly at mine. King tom doesn't have to know. He is the most horrible man ever. He cheats on women more than he does his job as king. I know you are over her. But, Think for a minute. They treated you horribly. They can't say anything" Ramona stated.

"You're right" He Leant on her "Since when did you Hate King tom? I thought you guys were married?"

"We aren't anymore. He found out about what I did when I poisoned him and Said he had enough of me. Anyways, I didn't like him that much in the beginning. Jonathan, I can help you with anything. Even if it kills me." Ramona told him.

"Thank you Ramona.. i really appreciate it" Jonathan Replied.

They spent the Majority of their day like that. Ramona took Evil Jonathan to her house. When she got there, she gained glares from Lk and Lc.

Ramona ignored them and took Jonathan to her room. She allowed him to sleep on the sofa. Before they went to bed, they chatted a bit.

"Thank you for helping me get over Victoria, Ramona" Jonathan thanked her.

"No problem. You deserve better. I don't care about what anyone else says. We're better together and not apart." Ramona Answered.

"Yeah, I love you Ramona.." Jonathan told her.

"I love you too. I will always help you" Ramona told him.

They then went to bed but Both were thinking about eachother.

Jonathan's thoughts:
She's so pretty. I love her so much. She helped me out. I don't know why King tom treated her so horribly. If I was him, I would be begging for forgiveness. I love her. She is the best. I will love her always. Even if it kills me.

Ramonas thoughts:
He is amazing. I havent felt like this ever since high-school. And now I am here. He is the best guy I have ever met. He is so nice. Victoria was wayyyy wrong about him. Not only that but he is HOT. He is also nice to me. He is way much more nicer than Tom. I love him. I don't care what anyone says. I will love him always. Even if it kills me.

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