The confession

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Warnings: None
Ship: carly x ropo
AU: College life
Ship name: Copo, Rarly.
Type: Fluff

Little Ropos pov:
Me and carly have secretly been seeing eachother. No one else, Not even Jack and kelly, Knows. I've decided that today, we should probably confess... At least to Jack and Kelly ofc...

We told them two to meet us at the coffee shop. Me and carly Grabbed a table and waited for our friends to turn up. It was almost the whole time being Awkward silence until I decided to Start a conversation.

"So, Carly, How should we tell them?" I asked.

"I say we just let it all out. Tell them how we truly feel about one another and Just hope for the best?" She Replied.

"I guess so, but what if they dont Like us dating. I mean, It shouldn't be a problem but still!" I think Aloud.

"Then they'll have to put up with it!" She answered.

Little carlys pov:
Me and ropo just talked. He must've been overthinking this already. They are getting pretty late now. They should've been here an hour ago. Maybe they're just late... or Maybe they have something to hide from us! What could it even be? I mean, I've known my sister for long enough now. Why would she lie about anything?

"Sorry we are late Guys! It took a while to get here from where we were originally." Kelly Informed us as she sat down, Along with jack.

"I was about to say!" I reply.

"Anyway, carly, You are just like a diamond amongst Rocks. You have stood out to me the most. Lots of girls try to get with me but, none of them are my type. You seem to lurk around in the shadows. You like drawing Very little attention to yourself. Everything about you makes me Blush. Carly, I love you!" Ropo exclaimed. I blushed and turned away.

Little Ropos pov:
Carly blushed at my statement and turned away. Kelly and Jack looked at me, Shocked.

"I love you too, Ropo" Carly Replied. Kelly started snickering.

"Jack, Pay up then!" She stated while laughing.

"Fine, you won this time!" Jack told her and Gave her a 10 pound note.

"You made a bet on us?!" Carly asked Kelly and jack.

"Yup, and I won!" Kelly yelled Happily.

"But I still love you carly." I tell her.

"Love you too, ropo." Carly replied.
A/n: that was funny. I could see some of the members in the little club making bets on others dating eachother. I have a feeling that kelly and jack would make bets on ropo and carly. Thanks for reading

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