Always by your side♡

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Requested by: No one
Ship: Kelly x Ropo
Type: Angst.
Ship name: Kopo, Relly.
Notes - this is based off of a ship I havent seen often but just wanted to do for the fun of it. Also I'm sorry but I find it easier to do Angst than Fluff or any other types. Italics= Thoughts.

Little Ropos pov:
I dont like this world anymore. Everyone is so.... Judgy. I cant do One thing without getting judged. It's just to much! I cant take it anymore. I'm sitting on a ledge, Contemplating on why I'm even still on this earth. 'You shouldn't be on this earth' i thought. 'Why does anyone care about me?' .

Little Kelly's pov:
I went off to Ropos house to see if he was around. I got close by when I saw ropo, Sat on a ledge. It wasnt normal of him to sit like that. He had his head in his hands and was mumbling stuff. 'I should check if he is ok.' I thought. As if he read my mind, he spotted me.

"Ropo, are you ok?" I asked him.

"Why do you care?" He Replied, His face full of misery.

"Ropo, Look, I care about you! You've been acting different lately. I can tell! None of this is like you! I know you think that nobody cares about you and that your worthless but, I care about you! I know times are difficult and you feel like you just want to drop off the earth, never to be seen again. It will change, for the better!" I Whisper, Trying not to wake up the whole place.

"It wont, I've been waiting for it to change for ages! I cant remember when I last Laughed, And ment it. Its like all feelings have been removed from my body. I can barely even think happy thoughts." He Muttered, his voice low and monotone.

"Ropo, I cant Explain how much I care about you!" I replied to the sad Boy.

Little Ropos pov:
"Ropo, I cant Explain how much I care about you!" Kelly replied to me. She sat down Beside me and I tensed up for a second. No one, not even Baby angel, had ever gotten that close to me.

"Do you really though? your just wasting your time" I tell her. She looked at me, pure Affection shown on her face.

"I really care about you, let me just" she said Before Kissing me on the cheek and hugging me. I tensed up before hugging the Beautiful girl back.

"Ropo, I don't care if the public hate you. You see, I dont! I ummm, Have something to admit to you" she states.

"Go ahead" I say, mortally intrigued.

"Ropo, I..... I love you! Ok! Seeing you, all sad like this, it breaks me down! I know you probably dont love me back but-" I cut her off with a kiss, a proper one, not just a kiss on the cheek.

We hung around for a while, till we both said goodbye and went to bed. But before that, i asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes! I'm so glad that i now know somebody cares
A/n - hi guys! Anyway, I'm sorry Ropo! I can just imagine all this happening though. With all the trauma ropo has been through, I can see this happening to him. I'm feeling so bad for him. Anyways, thank you for reading♡

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