A typical Rainy Morning.

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Requested by: grocerybag34
Warnings: None
Ship: Kelly x Leo
Type: Fluff
Ship name: lelly

Little kellys pov:
I woke up Cuddled up to leo. I remember I stayed over last night as His parents weren't there. Outside, it was raining. Typical. I shifted out of the bed and went downstairs. I forgot how huge his castle is! Finally (After taking like A Million stairs), I reach the kitchen. I started to make breakfast while waiting for him to wake up

{Time skip} (Approximately 5 Minutes)

I heard shuffling Coming from upstairs. Leo is awake. I saw him walk into the kitchen wearing his flowery Pj's.

"Good morning Kelly" he Said as he walked towards me.

"Good morning leo" I Reply before getting Trapped in a tight hug.

I finished making breakfast and we ate. All I made was bacon and Eggs. It was actually delicious! We went up to Leo's room. I had planned to stay here till the rain stopped. We sat on his couch and Turned the TV on.

Little Leo's pov:
Kelly and I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV. All that was on was the Adverage Early Morning Television. We found this Comedy show and turned it on. Kelly Cuddled up to me. I'm not going to lie, but she looked so Cute! The comedy show was far from Funny, it was hilarious. After a while, I heard Her phone go off. She looked at it, laughed and put it back down again.

"What was it?" I ask.

"It was king tom. He wanted to know where I was as I hadn't told him I was staying here" she replied, Laying back down Beside me.

"Oh Hehe" I Giggled. She just smiles and Curls up to me.

Little kellys pov:
"Oh Hehe" he giggled. I smiled. King tom doesn't need to know I'm chillin on the Enimes sons couch With the Enimes son!

"I love you so much, leo" I Reminded him.

"I love you too, Kelly" He Whispered back.
A/n:Kelly does have a point though. King tom shouldn't need to know. She's not even his biological daughter! This was so much fun to write! I love taking other people's suggestions. It makes writing this a whole lot more fun knowing that your about to make someone happy out of all of it!

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