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Requested by: Adelamora3
Warnings: Visions, Mentions of Evil Jonathan, Panic Attack
Ship: Little Kelly x donny
Notes: this also will include little donnys dad (king David) and Donut.

Little donnys pov:
Recently, I have Came back from the dead. But life has not been being Nice to me. I have been having visions of Evil Jonathan, cause he killed me!

Tonight, I Went into a panic attack over it. I couldn't breathe. I cant! What if he came back? What if he hurt anyone like kelly or donut? What about my mom?

King David's pov:
I got called into donnys room by Queen Victoria. Little donny was sat on the floor, his head in his hands, Breathing heavily.

"He's having a panic attack!" Queen Victoria said.

"Pass me his phone, now Victoria!" I yell.

"Ok!" Victoria Replied.

"Keep him as calm as you can" I tell her. She nodded.

I quickly looked on his phone and saw a contact named "My Baby" and I assumed that's his girlfriend.  I then also saw a contact named "Bff" and I knew that was donut. I quickly called them both.

Over call:
Lk:"Hey, Little donny! What's up?"
Donut: "yeah, What's up?"
David: look, its donnys dad not little donny. He's having a panic attack and I saw you guys on his phone and thought I better call you.
Lk: OMG! Ok, I'll be right over!
Donut: same!
David: thanks guys
Call end!

I hope they get over here soon.

When they arrive (sorry its 7:49 in the morning):

Little kellys pov:
I rushed up to donnys room and sat down beside him. His mother moved away a little. He was breathing heavily and had his knees to his chest.

"Hey.....Little donny" I say. He looked up at me in shock.

"K..kelly?" He Whimpered.

"Yes it's me" I reply. I went over to him and hugged him. I then saw donut go and sit down on the other side of donny. Donny started to softly cry.

"Hey... Babe... come here" I said, opening out my arms. He shuffled so I could hug him. Me and donut both hugged him and he started to calm down.

"Thanks kelly... thanks donut." He thanked us.

I Cuddled into his arms and Yawned. He laughed slightly. But, you couldn't blame me. It was 2 in the morning. We all went and sat on his sofa. We watched a movie and I slowly fell asleep.

Little donnys pov:
I looked down and and smiled when I saw little kelly had fallen asleep. I Cuddled her more and eventually I fell asleep.

It was calming though. Just imagine you had a panic attack and then your lover and best friend came and made you feel better. You'd be really happy.

Donuts pov:
I watched as donny slowly fell asleep with Kelly. I laughed slightly. I then picked my phone up and took a photo of the Adorable lovers. I sighed, thinking about cassie. After a while, even I fell asleep.
A/n: Hello! I feel bad for little donny. I feel like I'd relate to donut since I would most likely take a picture of them if I saw what he saw.

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