Only love can hurt like this

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Requested by: No one.
Type: Angst.
AU: Little Kelly- My other life.
Warnings: Mentions of Cheating.
Notes: None.

No one pov:
King tom and Queen Sophie were arguing as per usual. They were arguing because King tom had been caught cheating on Sophie.

In one of the rooms upstairs was their daughter. She was Crying and Sat on the floor. She had heard Everything.

Ollie walked into the room. He saw Kelly Crying on the floor and went to comfort her.

"Hey... are you ok?" He asked.

"No, My mother and father are arguing again." She Responded.

"It must be so hard for you. How about we go out and get some ice cream?" Ollie asked her. He gained no response.

He looked back at her and saw that she was holding something in her hand. It was a family photo.

"Would you like to go and get some ice cream?" Ollie said.

"Sure" She Whispered.

Ollie helped her up from the floor and took her with him to the ice cream store. They bought ice cream and sat down in the park. He noticed she was happier than she was before.

He took for a drive in his car. He drove her home in the end. When they got home, they saw Sophie crying. Tom was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, L-little Kelly" Sophie said.

Kelly Hugged her Mother.

"Mum? What happened?" Kelly asked.

"Oh, don't worry. Go on up to your bedroom now.." Sophie told her.

Kelly ran upstairs yet thought to watch from the balcony.

"Sophie, What happened whilst I was gone?" Ollie Asked.

"Tom cheated on me again. He ran off with Ramona" Sophie Answered.

"I'm sorry, he did WHAT. Oh, I hate him! How dare he do that to you Sophie" Ollie Spoke, His voice full of anger.

"I know. Maybe I'm the reason?" Sophie Mumbled, Looking down.

Ollie Hugged Sophie. They hugged for a While.

"Sophie, You are not the reason. It's his fault. Anyway, you are way better than ramona!" Ollie told her.

"Thank you, Ollie. Your amazing" Sophie Said.

They hugged once more yet this Time Ollie kissed Sophie. Sophie Kissed back.

Kelly watched from upstairs. She was shocked Yet also happy at the same time. She was happy for her mother.

She walked to her room and Sat on her bed.

But this, Was only the beginning of a complete disaster.

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