What in the-

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Requested by: Me
AU: Love island
Ship: Melly, Kiley
Characters: Miley, Kelly
Warnings: Alcohol
Type: Fluff I guess?

Mileys (Love island) pov:
Ever since me and raven broke up, I figured out that I'm Lesbian. Reasonable enough right? Well, there is a beach party rn and I'm totally not tipsy. Eh! I've just gotta say, I never think this much about Little Kelly... I dont know. I mean, I think she's straight but... Why not give it a shot! I only have one chance, Might as well try it!

"Hey Miley, What's up?" Kelly asked as I walked near her.

"Can I try something Quickly?" I ask Stupidly.

"Sure" she Replied.

I pulled her to me, placing her arms around my shoulders and placing my arms around her waist. She looked confused until I pulled her closer and kissed her. She was shocked but strangely Enough, she kissed back......

Little Kelly's pov:
I've always known I've been bisexual. As soon as miley kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back. Cause, why not? All eyes were on us now.

"What in the-" Ropo asked.

"Why?" Donny asked

"As soon as I saw you two get talking, it was like you always talked to eachother. I was just saying to Raven about how you can feel the Chemistry from across the room with you two" Scuba steve Reasoned.

"Congratulations!" Raven Awnsered, still in shock.

"I knew, straight up, that you would definitely end up at least near eachother. I may have said I hated you miley, but when It comes to you and her I just feel a Connection" Carly laughed.

"I'm just- Confused" leo remarked.

Mileys pov:
Me and Kelly looked at eachother, then back at the other islanders. I think it's time.

"Kelly, I've been thinking more into things lately and saw what our friendship actually is. But I feel like it's more. Scuba steve is Right, we do have chemistry and alot of it! I dont care what other people think. I love you, Kelly" I Told her.

"You know what? I love you too, Miley" she Answered.

We hugged and Enjoyed the rest of the night. Islanders would come up to us and say congratulations. People made toasts to us and many other Events happened. I'm just so glad I could spend it all with my new lover.
A/N: How on earth did this book get so many reads? Anywho, I have never actually seen this before. As soon as i saw kelly and miley get talking, i just felt a connection. Miley always agreed to what Kelly thought and they seemed to always come through to me.

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