Calm down, Love...

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Requested by: AshyEyelash14
Ship: Carly x leo (femdom)
Warnings: panic attack.
Notes: this one is going to be kinda cute.

Little carlys pov:
I was walking to Leo's castle. I walked in and went up to his room.

He was sat on the floor, breathing quickly and grasping at his hair. He also was crying. I suddenly caught on to what was happening and sat down beside him.

"Hey..Hey...Hey love!" I whisper. He just continued.

I pulled his hands away from his hair and held them softly. "Dont do that love, you could harm yourself... calm down" I say to him

"I- I cant!!" He chokes out, stopping himself from breathing.

"Love! Just breathe..." I whisper. He tries to breathe but it sounds Like Gasps. "Can I hug you?"

He nodded and i hugged him. I made it so his head was placed on my chest and so he could hear my heartbeat.

Little Leo's pov:
I slowly calmed down from my panic attack.  Little carly then started to softly talk about random stuff like songs and books. I just listened.

I felt myself start to feel drowsy. I think little carly noticed this as she picked me up and plopped us onto the couch.

"Let's watch a movie, yeah?" She asked. I just nodded.

We continued to watch the movie and Eventually I fell asleep.

Little carlys pov:
Leo fell asleep. I hugged him more and turned off the tv. Eventually, I felt tired and fell asleep. It had to have happened at some point.
A/n: Hey! This one made my heart melt. It was so cute. Thank you to everyone for making me feel Good about my books. I really appreciate all of it!

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