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Requested by: Adelamora3
Type: Angst
Ship: DonDon
Characters: Donny, Donut.
Warnings: Upseting Phrases

Little Donnys pov;
I'm so upset rn. I accidentally got into an Argument with Donut. He left my house mad. I just wish it hadn't happened. I didn't try to argue with him but... its Entirely my fault. IM SO STUPID! Why Did I ever think donut actually loved me? This totally helps! I WISH I HADNT DONE THAT!

"WHY DO I ALWAYS MESS UP!!!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

"Brother? DONNY WHATS WRONG?" Leah asked me.

"N..Nothing leah..." I Mutter, trying to hide the fact I'm crying.

"Ok bro, if you need me... I'll be in my room" leah Replied and left.

I sat there crying for the rest of the day. I cant believe I was so Freaking stupid! I dont even want to leave my room. Will this pain last forever.

Donuts pov:
I kinda feel bad for storming out of donnys house like that. It wasnt my fault! He did that, Not Me! Maybe I should check if he is ok?

I pulled up to his house and walked in. I went up to his room and looked through the glass window on his door. He was there, Crying badly. I wanted to go and hug him but I knew he probably hated me. It seemed Awfully bad. Eventually, I caved in and Ran into his room. Just as he was about to try cover his tears, I hugged him.

"I'm s..so Sorry D...donut" he stuttered, mid crying.

"Its Alright donny" I replied.

Donnys pov:
I hugged with donut for a while until I fell asleep. He always was super gentle and Never aggressive. We both just took it as a one-off chance and thought nothing of it. After a while, I felt him pick me up and ontothe sofa. I continued sleeping and it was Alright in the end.
How are Yall? I know this is a bit deeper than the other Angst ones I just have a sad song on and it makes it easier and sets the mood for it. I feel like donny, in some cases, is dominant but in most cases submissive. That's why this came out. Hope yall enjoyed!

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