Third Wheeling

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Requested by: MidEvil_ZalexX
Ship: Carly x Ropo
AU: College Life.
Warnings: None.
Notes: Hi!

Jack's pov:
I decided, since carly and ropo were going on a date, I was going to third wheel. Why? Cause I want to!

I watch as ropo gets ready. I was sat on the couch. I hear him give himself a slight pep talk, ready to go.

"Ropo?" I ask.

"Yeah Jack?" Ropo Responded.

"Are you almost ready? You've been preparing for ages!" I ask, Overeacting.

"Jack, it's been 30 minutes" He replied.

"HALF AN HOUR!" I Reasoned.

"In an awnser to your first question, yes I am ready. We need to go meet carly out Front" ropo Responded, Nervously.

We met up with carly.

Little carlys pov:
I was sat on a bench out the front of the college. I looked at my watch, 6:30pm, God! Is he going to be late? Am I getting stood up?

I finally see them two walk over to me. How long did it take them!?

"Hey carly!" Ropo said.

"Hi" I respond. "Look, Jack, Are you seriously coming?"

"Yeah!" He replied.

We went out on a date. Jack would make comments about us. Saying we were cute together and other stuff. I didn't mind it. I just wonder if when Jack gets a girlfriend, We could all go on a double date.

All I know is......

I love ropo!

A/n: Hello people! How are you all today?

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