Rivals? or not...?

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Requested by: MidEvil_ZalexX
Type: Fluff.
AU: College Life
Ship: Rarly (Carly x Ropo)
Warnings: None
Notes: Hello! Hope you all are ok! (LC= Little carly. LR= Ropo, J= Jack)

Jack's pov:
Ropo and carly Have this sort of rivalry between them both. I don't see why! I so badly want them to get together!

Like, Enough Arguments! Seriously!

Anyways, i decided to set them up today! I went and texted them both

J: Hey ropo!
LR: Hey Jack, what's up?
J: could you Meet me at the coffee place. 5:30pm?
LR: Sure. Why though?
J: You'll see...

J: Hello Little carly.
LC: Hi.
J; could you Meet me at the coffee place. 5:30pm?
LC: Why.
J: just please carly!
LC: Fine.

Hehe. Time to put my plan into action. oh god! It's 5:20pm! I better head off so I can hide and see how this plays out.

(AT 5:30) (Little carlys pov)
I headed off to where I was supposedly meeting Jack. Why would he want to meet me here at this time?

I saw ropo waiting outside there. I glared at him, gaining one back. We stood there for what felt like ages. I checked my watch again.

"5:45...pm" I Mumbled to myself, but somehow ropo heard...

"Gosh, 5:45!? WHERE IS JACK!?" Ropo asked.

"Wait, Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" He responded.

"I was supposed to meet Jack.." I Murmured.

"Is this what I think it is?" Ropo Asked. I shrugged.

"Is this a Set-up!?" Ropo asked again. I shrugged again...

Then it sunk in. Jack had been trying to get me and ropo together this entire time. How did I not realise! I mean, Ropo is Quite Cute and nice-


but do I? I mean, I did just think he was cute and nice.... I know it's soon but maybe we could... Give it a go???

We actually settled our differences and had a great time! We drank coffee, joked around and had fun!

"Ropo.." I Whisper.

"Yeah, Carly?" He asked.

"Look, I REALLY LIKE YOU OK! your nice and amazing and I just thought I had to tell you this. I know you may not like me back and I will understand if you don't like me. I just wanted you to know!" I yelled, About to make a run for it.

Ropo Grabbed hold of my hand before I could leave. I looked him in the eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and.... KISSED ME!

I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him back. We pulled away.

"I love you too, carly!" Ropo Responded.

Jack's pov:
I laughed Quietly to myself. Carly and ropo just kissed.

"Guess people can call me cupid!" I joked.

I watched them. They were sat, watching the sunset. After all, it had been the best day ever..

For everyone....

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