Too Late...

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Requested by: Iregretexisting69
AU: power Rangers/Mineavengers.
Ship: Ropo × Little kelly (Kopo, Relly)
Warnings: none
Notes: Thank you for the request and sorry I'm a little late with Making it.

Little Ropos pov:
Me and little Kelly were training at the Mineavengers base. Today, we chose to train with batons.

We were Practising as if LK had just broke into a place and I caught her. I didn't hit her obviously I pretended. At one point though, I tripped over a stone.

I had shut my eyes tightly but when I opened them I saw what had happened. I had Lk Pinned to the floor. We stayed there for a second or two, both just blushing, until I decide to get up. I held out my hand and pulled Kelly onto her feet.

We continued training but I cant stop thinking about that moment earlier. I mean shes so nice, Friendly, helpful, Loving, Beautiful, smart and funny. Is this love? Or just friendship? I dunno.

Little Kelly's pov:
I couldn't stop thinking about when ropo Pinned me to the floor! I mean, I'm not going to lie, I kinda thought he was going to kiss me. Ropo Is super sweet and kind and funny and not to forget HANDSOME!


Ropo had asked me to meet him at his house. I got there and saw he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I walked over to him.

"H-hey little Kelly!" Ropo stuttered.

"Hey ropo, what's up?" I ask

"These are for you!" Ropo Told me, handing me the Bouquet.

"Aww thanks ropo. I have something I need to tell you" I say.

"Yeah, what is it?" He asked.

"I kinda like you, more than friends...." I admit.

"Wow, that's good for me since I like you more than friends too!" He Admits aswell.

He pulled me towards him and into a kiss. I kissed back obviously. We pulled away after a few minutes.

Little Ropos pov:
I kissed Lk and She actually kissed me back! We pulled away after a couple of minutes.

"I love you ropo" she Said.

"I love you too, little kelly" I Reply.

But, I looked around and Almost fell over in shock since.... this entire time that I had been with little Kelly.... Jack had been stood there with a.... Bouquet of flowers... he also had a shocked Expression.
A/n; Hello dearest followers or people who just like reading my books! How are you today? Good? I hope so! Thank you for reading this Oneshot anyway. I really appreciate all of the kind comments that I have been getting. Thank you all so much!
Kind regards,

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