Stay with me

454 5 2

Requested by: AshyEyelash14
Type: Angst
Ship: Scuba steve x leo
Ship name: Sleo
Warnings: None!

Little leos pov:
My father (King Augustus) kicked me out of our Kingdom. As king tom Hates my guts, He wouldn't Let me stay. Even though  I'd proved Him I was good. The only person who could let me stay was Scuba steve. I never knew what I did wrong?!

"Thanks Again man" I thanked Scuba steve Again

"Its fine bab- I mean Leo" he Replied. Strange- he was about to say 'Babe'

" Scuba steve, you Alr?" I asked

"Yeah, Just... I cant Tell you... you'll be mad"

"You can tell me Anything Man!"

Scuba Steve's Pov:
Leo had convinced me to Tell him. I sighed. I knew he'd hate me. I mean- Having a crush on your best friend! It seems to Untrue.

"Look leo. I'm in love with you! I have been for a while now. I havent had the guts to tell you as I thought you would leave me if I did." I say, Knowing full well his Response

"Scuba steve. I love you aswell! Ever since I broke up with carly I thought alot more about us. I mean, if we Both ignore what others say, we can rule the World. Side-by-side, Hand-in-hand!" Leo Replied unexpectedly.

Leo's pov:
We moved closer and Kissed. It shown that we both Evidently wanted to be more than friends. I love him so much. I don't care about king Augustus's Expectations and what he wants me to be. He disowned me so why should it matter? I'm so Glad I can stay with My lover. Forever. And maybe, Just maybe, Get married!
A/n: woah! Slow down there leo! Your getting Ahead of yourself. I'm sorry it was SHORTER. I just have been having a bit of writers block Recently. Also, school has been killing me!

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