Poor ropo

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Warnings: None?
Ship: Ropo X Scuba steve
Requested by: CandySweetzRopo
Ship name: Sopo?
Notes: None
Type: Fluff/ sicfic

Little Ropos pov:
I woke up really Early today with a massive headache. I started coughing. It was just a little cold until I felt Awful. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Damn, I think I'm sick.." i choked out. I needed to tell Scuba steve.

I needed to tell him! I was supposed to go to school today but I can't. Not in this state, at least. I Grabbed my cell phone and called Scuba steve.

The call:
Ss: Hey Ropo, What's up?
R: hey Scuba steve, I think I'm sick...
Ss: Omg! Why?
R: I had a headache that then turned into coughing till I threw up...
Ss: im on my Way!
R: k, Please hurry...

Call Ended.

Scuba Steve's pov:
Ropo just called me and told me he was sick. I hope he is Ok, At least a little. I arrived there in a massive rush. Ropo answered the door and took me into the lounge. all he had on was a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hey Man..." ropo Whispered as he collapsed onto the couch.

"Woah ropo, take it easy!" I tell him. He slowly sat up and Gestured for me to sit down beside him.

He Curled up to my chest. He looked Extremely tired and pale. He started coughing and when he stopped, he Whimpered a little. I decided to ring his school and tell them he wasnt coming in today. They said it was ok and that they understood. I pick ropo up and he gave me a confused look in response.

"I'm taking you to your room, you clearly need sleep.." I say to him as he looks downwards.

I placed him down on his bed. He tried to speak but failed miserably and gave up. I sat down beside him to make it easier to comfort him.

Little Ropos pov:
I was definitely sick. I ended up asleep in my bed, Scuba steve sat beside me. It was comforting to feel his presence Around me. I needed that extra bit of comfort to help me. Being a sick superhero isnt great, not for your reputation.

That's the Cons about being a superhero, you get fame and glory but have a hard reputation to keep up. A day of from work can change your Rep from being the best superhero to the worst in seconds! Especially being a famous Youtuber on the side!

I still hope I get rid of this sickness, before it gets to my reputation...

Scuba Steve's pov:
I had taken care of ropo for a while now. how on earth do people like superheroes, Princesses, princes.. Ect keep their Reputation so high! One wrong move and their in the gutter!

I hope ropo will be ok. It's only a mild sickness. Besides, who cares about his rep? I'd rather him get better in his own time rather than in the time that would save his Reputation. I love him.
A/n: sorry I did this a bit later than I should've done! I've been so busy! This has also been a longer chapter rather than the others as I found it easier to make it a Teeny bit longer. It wont Affect anyone! See Yall!

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