Im so sorry....

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Requested By: Adelamora3
Ship: Donny x Donut
Type: Angst
Ship name: Dondon

Donuts Pov:
Little Donny had Rung me, asking if I could come over. Ofc, I was now on the way. We had been dating for around 6 months.

{Time Skip}

I got to donnys house and knocked on the door. He answered, as if waiting for me to arrive. As soon as i got in, he dragged me (Literally!) To his room. He seemed really on Edge, as if something was troubling him. Before I could ask him if he was ok, he hugged me. We hugged for a while until he started Explaining the problem he had.

Little donnys pov:
"Donut, I'm just so... Stressed! I barely get enough time to think! Always people are in my face telling me what I can and can't do. I'm just so Sick of it! It's like an Endless loophole Of drama!" I Tell donut, As we Pulled away from our hug.

"What do you mean By an Endless Loophole of drama?" He asked.

"Its always, 'Be this', 'Be that', and I never can do what I really want to do.  With all the expectations of being a prince I just.... Cant!!!!! I've had Enough of this world..." I Mutter.

"Donny, Ignore everyone and what they say! Be who you want to be. You can Pursue your dreams. Ignore the public and what they say. Your amazing just the way you are. I'll love you for who you are, no matter what others say about you and your lifestyle! Be who you want to be!" He yelled. We stood there in silence before I started crying.

Donuts pov:
Donny had started crying. I comforted him. With everything that was going on, His family, The expectations of being a prince and That stuff, it was troublesome for him. I eventually got him to calm down.

"No matter what donny, I will always love you..." I Tell him

"I'll always love you too Donut... Y'know.... Everyone hates me for being gay..." he Cried.

"I dont! We'll get through this together donny!" I Replied.

"Thanks donut, I love you..."

"I love you too, Donny"

A/N: I hope this was what you wanted Adelamora3. I love taking requests from others and turning them into one shots!

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