Truth or dare?

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Warnings: None?!
Ship: Carly x Ally
Type: Fluff
Ship name: Cally.

Little carlys pov:
Me and Ally were Hanging out at mine. It was During the day and I had a small issue. I Have had a crush on Ally for a while now. I could only think about what a Wonderful person she is. Finally, I gain the courage to suggest something.

"Hey Ally?" I asked, she looked at me confused.

"Yes, Carly?" She Replied.

"Can we play Truth or DARE?" I suggest. She thinks for a second. I thought she was going to reject when...

'Yeah, Sure. Who goes first?" She asked.

"I'll go first, Ally, truth or DARE?" I say to her.

"Truth!" She Replied.

"Ok, do you have a crush?" I ask.

Little Allys Pov:
D- Did carly really just ask me that! I mean- I've had a crush on her for... well... Practically as long as ive known her for. I just hope she wont hate me if I say it.

"M..Maybe.. Yes ok! Yes I do!" I Shriek.

"Ok, Fair Enough." She stated.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask her.

"Dare, Hit me!" Carly Answered.

"I dare you to kiss me." I dare her. She moves towards me, Smirking slightly. I stood up as she pulls me in, Kissing me. I kiss back Happily yet shocked that she just did it. We pull away, she was still smirking.

"Ally, when I first met you I thought of you as a friend. But when we started spending more time together, I realised something. We arent just supposed to be friends, we're supposed to be lovers. I know you wont return these feelings but, I just want you to know. I love you Ally and I always will." Carly spoke after a while of silence.

Little Carlys pov:
I waited for Ally to reject me. I thought she would call me Weird and Annoying. I do love her though.

"Carly, I cant believe this! I've loved you since day one. I thought that we would never get close enough for my feelings to become the truth. But now, we have!" Ally replied.

"Ally, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, Afraid of her reply.

"YES OFC!" she yelled and Embraced me in a hug.

I love her.
A/n: this was nice to write. I have seen some people who ship carly and Ally so I decided to do a one shot on it. Carly most likely thought Ally would hate her for being lesbian. This Aligns with Pride month. Happy pride month Everyone🥳🏳️‍🌈

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