I want him gone, FOREVER!

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Requested by: KayJayBlue
Ship: Little Kelly x raven (Kaven)
Warnings: Nightmares
Notes: this one, is long

Little Kelly's pov:
Me, carly, raven and leo all decided to have a sleepover. We all have decided to go to bed since it is extremely late.

*in dream* (TW)
I went downstairs since I wanted to eat something. I walked down into the kitchen and saw that there was none. There goes my dream of having Some. *SMASH* Was that a window? Did a window break? I walked into the library and saw jay was there. I tried to run but I froze. He stabbed me multiple times with a knife, laughing as he did so. He then jumped out of the window that he broke and left me screaming for help

*Dream Ends*

I woke up, Shaking. I looked around and saw everyone was still asleep. I couldn't help but panic. Was jay going to hurt me again? Omg! What if he is!!!! I hope not! But, maybe he is!!! Ahhhh! Ok I just need to calm down. But what If he hurts carly or raven? Omg!!!!!!!!!

Ravens pov;
I woke up pretty late at night. I mean, it was usual for me. I looked around in the dark room. I saw little kelly sat up. She seemed shook up and worried. I got up and walked near her and sat down on the floor.

"Hey little kelly, you alright?" I asked.

"N-no" she Whispered, her voice shaky. She looked like she was about to burst out into tears.

"Hey... what happened.." I Muttered, slowing and Quieting my voice so it would become more comforting.

"I- I had a Nightmare!!" She Whispered, starting to cry.

"Hey.... hey.... shhh" I mutter. I pulled her into my arms and she cried into my chest. "Everything's going to be ok. Please tell me what it was about..."

"J..Jay! He s-stabbed me!" She Whimpered.

"Its going to be ok... it was just a Nightmare.... he's not going to hurt you." I whisper.

"H..how do you know?" She asked.

"I just do... ok? Here's something I want you to do. Try focusing on my breathing and maybe try to Make it so Your Breathing is in time with mine." I say.

This, Made her concentrate. She changed her breathing and we practically were breathing at the Exact same time. It took a while but ended up happening. I picked her up and placed her on my sleeping bag. She curled up to me.

"You know, I love you so much little kelly" I say to her, she looked up at me.

"I love you too raven" she replied.

"Ya what?" I ask.

"I love you too" she Repeated, Giggling a bit

Little kellys pov:
Me and raven continued cuddling till we fell asleep. Funny thing was, I had no more nightmares for the rest of the night. It was really calming. And probably one of the best nights I've had in a while.
A/n; Hello again! This one actually was shorter than I thought but also freaking Adorable!

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