The romantic Picnic

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Requested by: Adelamora3
Ship: Kelly x donny
Type: Fluff
Ship name: Konny/delly.

Little Kelly's pov:
Little Donny had Messaged me asking if I wanted to go on a date! It's been so long!!! He also said he has a surprise. He's full of surprises!

We met by the park and started to walk. It was only then I realised, the whole park was Empty!

"Why is the whole park Empty?" I asked little donny.

"I made sure that it would just be me and you.." He Replied. We were holding hands while walking around.

"Awww, that's so Sweet of you Donny!" I say to Him, giving him a hug.

"Heh, your Welcome. Anyway, this wasnt the only Surprise." He informed me.

"What? There's More?!" I shrieked.

"Yes, only for a special girl like you!" He spoke, Sounding posh.

Little donnys pov:
"Yes, only for a special girl like you!" I Reply to kelly. I lead her towards the Romantic picnic I had set up. We walked under the heart-shaped Archway to the Picnic.

"Wow, this is.... Amazing!" She Squealed. I laughed in response.

We sat down and Looked at the food. We ate the food. It was: Steak and fries with heart Cupcakes for dessert. They had red icing with 'You are My other half' Written in red on the top.

"This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me!" She Whispered with astonishment.

"That's a relief" I tell her.

Little Kelly's pov:
"That's a relief" he replied to me. We had sat down on this small bench and ate the lovely food. It was getting late and I had to go home.

"Little kelly, Its so sad that you have to go!" He cried.

"Dont worry, I'll still Text you and Call you!" I reminded him

"That's great!" He yelled.

"Hehe, I love you donny!" I replied

"I love you too, Baby." He said.

A/N: sorry, I couldn't wait! I love this ship so much I just couldn't stop myself! Thank you for the Requests! I love Yall!

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