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Requested by: AshyEyelash14
Type: Fluff!
Ship: Leven
Characters: Raven, Leo.
Warnings: NONE!!

Ravens Pov:
Me and leo were having a sleepover. We're laughing and joking, Being the Childish People that we are! After all, who would want to be serious at this time? NO ONE! We started playing 2 truths, 1 lie. It was fun and I went first.

"Um ok, I'm in love, I like my car and I am the bestest of friends with little carly" I say.

"The lie is that your The bestest of friends with little carly?" Leo guessed.

"YEAH!" I Reply.

"Ok my go! I'm a midget, I am also in love and I dont wear socks" leo Replys.

"That's easy, The lie is that you dont wear socks!" I Answer.

"Yeah, I am a midget and I proud!" Leo Jokes.

"Haha, ok it's my go!" I say.

Leo's pov:
Me and raven had so much fun together! I dont even care I am a midget! We continued to have fun with one on other like this for hours on end. We hardly ever stopped. It was so great!

We went down the stairs and ate in the Dining room. Kelly and carly were there but they were just talking to eachother. We didn't bother them. We went back up to his room and Watched some movies Before deciding it may be time to go to bed. I was Exhausted after all the Laughing I have done today so I fell asleep pretty quickly.

Ravens pov:
Leo looks so freaking adorable, curled up and asleep in my arms! I cant believe that we Actually are Dating. Nobody in my family really seemed to care that much, they'd make the odd comment about how cute we are. It's just Leo's father who didn't like it but who cares! Its Leo's life to be fair so yeah! I slowly fell asleep with my Amazing boyfriend curled up in my arms.
A/n: Hi again! I hope you all are Enjoying my book, well the Oneshots rather. It's so amazing to see all my work being liked when I wake up every morning. It makes me want to wake up! Thank you all!

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