Telling the family

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Ship: Carly x Scuba steve.
Warnings: None
Type: Fluff.
Notes: I just thought of this!

Little carlys pov:
It came towards the right time. Time to tell my family I was with Scuba steve. I don't know how they are going to react. I'm kind of scared to be honest.

I called a family meeting and Everyone came. There was: King tom, Queen sophie, Ramona, baby Ellie, baby Ariana, Eric and Toby, Little Kelly and Raven.

I stood up at the beginning, along with Scuba steve. I waited for all the chatter to slowly come to an end and began to talk.

"Hello! You may all be wondering why you are here. Well, I'm sure you all know my friend, Scuba steve. Well, Here's the thing we are not only just friends.. that's why I called this meeting" I started. I looked around to see most of my family confused. "Actually, Scuba steve, how about you tell them!" I finished, Looking over at Scuba steve.

"Um, Well.. carly and I have known eachother for a While now and I figured out what are friendship truly was. It wasn't just friendship, it was love" steve said. My family all looked shocked. "Before you all get mad at us for keeping it from you we just wanted to see if it was an actual relationship!" He finished.

There was a While of silence...

"Well, I am not mad at all! You two are so cute together! Honestly, I feel really happy for you!" My sister told us, Raven nodding along with her.

"I accept this, too. I can admit, you two are cute together" Dad Responded.

"Yes. I can agree. And if anything you guys are ADORABLE together!"Mom Responded.

Ramona and the babies all looked shocked yet all agreed in there own form of way.

Scuba Steve's pov:
I was so relieved to have carlys family support us. After the meeting, me and carly talked until it was time for me to go home. I said goodbye to carly and her family, hugged carly and left happily.
A/n: Hello! I'm back to posting! I hope you all had a wonderful new year!

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