The horrible truth

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Requested by: Adelamora3
Ship: donny x kelly (Konny, Delly)
Warnings: Mentions of stab wounds, Evil Jonathan.
Notes: Poor Donny!!!

Little donnys pov:
I stare at myself in the mirror. I was able to see The scar that Jonathan left on me when he stabbed me. I, I mustn't show it at all. Also, it's been harder to hide my wings lately.... Its all my fault.... it clearly is....

I heard someone walking up to my room. I Quickly hid the scar By holding my t-shirt infront of it. I looked up to see who it was.

I sighed in relief as I saw it was only little Kelly. She sat down beside me and I tried to shuffle away so she wouldn't see the scar.

"Little donny...What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing is!" I replied.

"Your not acting yourself. You usually want me to sit beside you but lately you've been shuffling away..." she Told me.

"Look, fine. You've caught me... I cant hide it no more. I'm scared about people seeing my scar..." I say. She tilted her head a little. "The one from evil Jonathan.."

"Little donny! It's ok... You couldn't help it" she said.

"It was all my fault.." I Mutter.

"No it wasnt! He was just pure Evil! He always has been... it's not your fault donny.." little Kelly Awnsered. She hugged me and made me feel slightly better.

"Also, I've been hiding something else too" I say. She tilted her head in confusion.

I stood up and Made it so my wings were Visible. She looked shocked and Amazed. She got up and hugged me.

"Why'd you hide it from me?" She asked.

"I thought you would hate me.." I Muttered.

"No! I could never hate you! I love you" she says.

Little kellys pov:
After all of my reassurance that I gave him, he finally let me cuddle with him. I cuddled into his arms. He cuddled me.

After a while, I fell asleep. I love him so much. He doesn't deserve all of the Stuff that has happened to him! I wish he didn't have to hear all of the things that people have said to him.

Little donnys pov:
Little kelly fell asleep on me. I love her. She made me feel better. She always reassures me if I'm ever overthinking. She is so amazing. I love her.
A/n: this was so cute yet sad. I just wanted to burst in and hug him!

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