MK sleepover

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Type: Fluff.
Ships: Kaven, Cleo
Characters: Kelly, Raven, Carly, Leo
Notes: Hello! I haven't updated this book in a while. I'm glad to be back. Enjoy this new oneshot!

Ravens pov:
Me and Leo had planned to have a sleepover with the girls. King tom had only Just accepted that Leo wasn't like his father so we were All thrilled to be able to hang out.

We decided to Hold the sleepover in my room. It made sense because I have the largest TV and Seats for movies. We had a couple of sleeping bags on the floor. Me and Leo talked for a bit before the girls came

"So Raven, What do you think about the sleepover?" Leo asked me

"I think it's going to go great!" I say enthusiastically

"So I kind of made a plan with carly and I want to see what you think about it.." Leo tells me

"What have you planned with her now" I act fake annoyed, Causing Leo to laugh

"It's actually a good thing. Me and carly were planning about getting you and Kelly closer tonight" Leo Explained.

"I'm curious, how so?" I asked him

"We were going to watch a movie and have you guys sit close together. Carly told me that Kelly is most likely to fall asleep during the movie. Then we planned that she would fall asleep on you and you guys would cuddle for a little. It's just a plan to get you closer. What'd ya think?" Leo Responded.

"It's a pretty good plan." I tell him.

We get Interrupted by the sound of footsteps. It was Kelly and Carly

"Hey guys, what's up?" Carly asked.

"Nothing much" Leo Winked at carly. It was like a silent hint that he had told me and that I had agreed to it. Carly nodded.

"Hey, don't you guys want to watch something? Like a movie?" Carly seemed to have gotten the hint

"I think that's a great idea. I'll go get snacks" Leo said

He then went downstairs. We all sat down on the sofa and prepared for the movie. Leo came back and handed us a couple of Sodas and Some popcorn.

Carly played the movie. Me and Kelly were sat next to eachother.

Kelly's pov:
Carlys acting weird. She keeps staring at me and Smirking. The movie was Quite boring. After a while, I begin to feel tired. I was sat next to Raven. He wouldn't mind... Would he?

I Subtly moved closer to him, Only less than a centimeter. Staying Subtle, I rested my head on his shoulder. I could see him smile and blush.

I looked over at carly. She was smirking and she gave me a 'I told you so' Look. I gave her a small, playful glare.

She had said to me that me and Raven would get closer today. I said we weren't. Now carly seemed to be right.

Raven pulled me closer to him and placed him arm around me. I curled up a little more.

I slowly fell asleep. Right before I fell asleep, I heard Raven Whisper to me

"Sweet dreams.."

Ravens pov:

I looked at Kelly, who had now fallen asleep. I Whispered in a more Quieter tone

"Sweet dreams, beautiful.."

I layed my head on hers. Slowly, I Played with her hair. I felt her curl up to me a little bit More in her sleep. I smiled softly.

Carly had fallen Asleep too. Leo Held her Gently too. Me and Leo both made eye contact and we smiled. We both got what we wanted.

I shifted My focus back to Kelly. I moved slightly so I was Slightly laying on the couch and Kelly was ontop of me asleep. I Rubbed her back softly and fell asleep with her in my arms.

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