if you guys went to a candy store // hc

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-Darry having to give a talk before going in

-"only ONE candy per person, and absolutely NO STEALING"

- two-bit thinks otherwise

-everyone runs inside

- Steve finds the perfect slice of chocolate cake

-baked and frosted to perfection

-Darry walks by and sees the look in Steve's eyes

-"we have chocolate cake at home"

-Steve mad

-Soda finds a massive chocolate bar

-he thinks this is the one, this is his chance

-and then he sees the lollipop aisle

-chocolate bar has completely left his mind

-Johnny just wanders around the candy shop

-he's admiring the knick knacks and posters

-he finds a cute little tin of jelly beans

-wittle johnny and his wittle thing of jelly beans

-johnny is in a state of euphoria

-two-bit already has a pocketful of Hershey kisses

-his right pocket is very much obviously hiding mini chocolates

-Darry has to come over and threaten no chocolate cake for a week

-two-bit no longer has his chocolates

-two-bit sad

-that is until he spots a Mickey Mouse shaped chocolate


- dally wanders around a bit

- "candy is for babies"

- dally heads towards the hard candy aisle

- he looks at the aisles, nothing too fun

- *gasp*

- dally stares at the large containers of m&ms before him

- dally checks his surroundings and slowly grabs a handful and shoves a few in his pockets

- *darry's mother senses have entered the chat*

- darry makes eye contact with dally

-dally nervous

-dally quickly puts the m&ms back

-darry flashes him his sweet smile and goes back to helping out Pony

-Ponyboy is in a dazed state

- he doesn't know where to begin

- Kit Kat's, Milk Duds, m&ms, where to start?

- pony freaking out

- pony stressing

- darry puts a hand on pony's shoulder and hands him a cherry sucker

- pony happy

- now everyone has found something and they're ready to pay

- "where's dally?"

- dally walks over from the candy aisle

- he slowly sets a box of m&ms on the register

- everyone giggles at dally

- "candy is still for babies"

- darry pays and everyone heads home

- "wait, two, where'd you get those Hershey kisses?"

- darry gives two the death stare

- two scared

- two frightened

- two runs for the house as darry chases him

- everyone had a good time though

- maybe next time just go to a more less tempting place for two-bit

aah, my first story thing (pretty sure it's called a head cannon..?) let me know what you think! Stay Gold!

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