his favorite part of you // the gang

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-he loves your eyes
-like when you're talking he'll just stare into your eyes
-he just thinks they're so defined and beautiful

-your hair
-he loves the color, the length, everything about it
-he especially loves to play with it, he thinks it's so fun

-your smile
-seeing you smile makes him smile
-just the thought of you being happy makes him happy, and that's all that really matters

-your chest
-he just feels so calm and safe when he lays his head in your chest
-but also it's two bit so he really likes your boobs too

-your butt
-yeah I don't think I really need to explain this one
-he just loves your butt and will constantly let you know by either smacking it or staring at it

-your cheeks
-he likes to give you small pecks on the cheek just for fun
-he also just likes seeing you blush like crazy when he kisses or compliments you

-your arms
-he loves how you try to look tough in front of people by crossing your arms
-or you'll punch someone which really shows how tough and strong you are, which he admires

I hope you liked this, sorry it's so short! don't forget to vote if you liked it!
Stay Gold!

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