Dallas Imagine // part 2

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"but yeah if any of the gang finds out about this we're dead"

You lay there for a few more moments, almost drifting off to sleep. You figured everything could just wait until the morning. Wait, the morning? You jolt up and stumble to the bedside, leaving a frustrated Dallas alone in bed. "what the hell Y/N?" Dally whisper-yelled. "oh shit" you mumble. He looks at you in confusion, then looks over to where you were looking. The clock read 12:10. You were for sure dead, whether with Dallas or not. You stand there for a few seconds, first thinking of an excuse to tell Darry why you were out so late, and secondly, what were you still doing here?? "I gotta go, see ya tomorrow Dal", you say as you bolt for the door, still pulling your shirt on. Before he could say anything, you were already gone and running out of Buck's.

You knew it was stupid to be running late at night, alone, in the dark, but you had no other choice. After what felt like forever, you jog up to the house and prepare yourself to walk inside. You see Darry sitting in his chair through the window. You walk through the door, still heavy breathing from running, but also from being scared out of your mind.

"Where the hell have you been?"
"Darry I-"
"We've been worried sick about you!"
"I know, I'm sorry, I jus-"
Ponyboy walked in the room.
"Hey, Y/N/N, where ya been?"
"I uh- uh I was-uh at the park..?"
Pony, Darry and Soda just looked at you funny. Yeah, you were a terrible liar.
"Y/N" Darry started, "where were you really?"

You sigh and look down. Cmon, Y/N, think.. Then the excuse came to mind.
"I was at Buck's" the boys looked at you weird, "Two-Bit and I were hanging out, I was just there to make sure he didn't do anything stupid drunk"
You smiled proudly, thinking you were a genius.

"Well, you weren't drinking, were you?"
"Soda! No way, I'm underage!"
The boys smile in satisfaction.
"And I know I still stayed out late but I'm sorry, I'll make up for it somehow."
Darry smiled at you, "okay kiddo, that works for me"

You smile and proceed to walk to your room. That's enough action for one night. Just as you reach your door you hear a familiar voice coming from downstairs. You're too tired to see what was going on, so you figure it's best to just crawl into bed and under the covers.

Darry's POV
"Night kiddo" I say as Y/N headed to bed. Me, Soda, and Ponyboy were getting ready to go to sleep ourselves, when I heard knocking on the door. I walked over and opened it, revealing a stressed Two-Bit. "hey Two, you alright?" I ask him. He just walks into the living room and begins talking.

"well, ya see, I was at Buck's and me and Dallas were hangin' out and then I saw some girl head up to his room and then he went up there too and he just left me so I was all alone to drink by myself, but the big thing is he really left me for some broad!"

I just kinda looked at him funny, along with Pony and Soda. "breathe, two-bit, why are you so worked up about it?" I asked.

"because that broad was your sister!"

oh snap a cliffhanger, sorry not sorry. don't worry, I'm making a part 3 🤩
Stay Gold!

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