the girl at the Dingo // Sodapop imagine

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Warnings: swearing, blood

I keep one foot on the board and push against the ground with the other. I hold my hands out and cruise down the street, turning the corner when I reach the Dairy Queen. I press down forcefully on the tail and slowly ease into a stop, grabbing my board and walking into the diner. I was supposed to be meeting Soda for dinner, assuming Darry would let him. I take a seat at a table in the corner, fiddling with the wheels on my board as I waited.

"Y/N!" I look up to see Soda with a bright smile on his face, walking towards me. He takes a seat in front of me and leans in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, "hey, darlin, you already order?". "yep, burgers and fries alright with you?" He laughs and nods his head. The waitress brings us each a coke and heads back to the kitchen. "sure ain't busy" he says, looking around the almost empty restaurant, "I heard everyone's at the drive-in, tonight's free popcorn night" I take a sip of my coke, "that's a thing?" He chuckles, "yeah, Pony wouldn't stop talkin about it!"

Our waitress brings us our food and I thank her as she leaves to go wait a table full of boys that had just walked in. I didn't recognize any of them, though, they looked oddly unfamiliar. I look to Soda who was digging into his food, only stopping to chug some coke. "Soda, you seen those greasers before?" I ask, motioning my head towards their table. He finishes off his drink and turns around to look at them. "don't be so obvious!" I whisper yell.

He immediately turns back to me, eyes wide, "sorry, sorry!". I glance over at them again and notice they're huddled close together discussing something. "what's goin on with you?" He gives me a worried look. "I don't know, just feel somethin weird is goin on over there" I shrug. "I'm sure it's nothin, but if you don't feel comfortable we can leave" he grabs my hand. I nod my head and he flashes me his signature smile, "alright, let's go". I leave some cash on the table and we get up to leave, when I hear a weird clicking sound, along with a loud BANG!

Then everything went black.

"Y/N, Y/N, stay with me now, cmon wake up" Soda shakes my side. I groan and faintly open my eyes, seeing Sodapop and some lady in scrubs running by my side. I lean my head back and a sharp pain shoots through my stomach, What the hell? I thought, looking down to where my hand was holding. I see that there's a damp spot, soaked in red, near the middle of my t-shirt.

I let out a muffled yell as I bite my lip, trying not to scream. Sodapop looks to me as they're rushing us into a room, "Y/N, it's okay, they're gonna fix you right up, alright? It'll be okay". He lets go of my hand and follows me and the nurse into the bright room, "sir, I'm sorry, you can't be in here while we perform the removal" He only nods his head and gives me a smile, mouthing the words, 'you've got this' and leaves.

I was more concerned about what was going on as she and the man in a white doctors coat brought several pieces of equipment to my bed. They poke my wrist with a needle when they begin to inject the antibiotics into my system. "okay, deep breaths, this shouldn't take long". I could barely see what the doctor was doing due to the bright light shining in my face. Everything came across as such a blur. "okay, almost done, deep breaths" My vision was tunneling and I felt as if I was flying. Or maybe it was just the IV kicking in.

My chest moves up and down, the heart rate monitor making a 'beep' several few seconds apart. The doctor sets down the needle and thread and turns off the blinding light above him. He scoots back in his chair to his desk, "it went though one of her organs, let them see her now before we begin anything else" The door opens and I see Soda rush in, followed by the rest of the gang.

Soda sits beside me, holding my hand. I clench my jaw as I feel the wound only getting worse. Darry was in the corner talking with the doctor as everyone else gathered around me. I take in a short breath, "what happened?" Soda bites his lip, trying to hold back tears, "one of those damned boys was gonna rob the diner, and when he pulled out the gun, it shot off and.. well, hit ya"

I rest my head back into the pillow and try to release any tension in my body. Darry comes over to us and wedges himself in between Pony and Two-bit. He whispers something into Two's ear, who passes it on to Dallas, who passes it on to Johnny.

"I know I ain't got too long.." I squeeze Soda's hand, "take care of each other, alright?" Dallas grabs my free hand and holds it in his, sliding off his ring and placing it on my middle finger, "man, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch," He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. "you better, or I'll haunt ya" I smirk and wrap my hand around his as my breathing slows down, the monitor easing its pace. Two-bit puts his hands in his pockets, "you're on your death bed and you still can't crack a joke?" A smile creeps upon my face and I feel my eyelids grow heavy.

"I love you, Y/N, we all do, we'll always love you" Soda tries to put on his best smile. "oh, stop, you're makin me blush" Johnny lets out a stifled sob. "cmon, please, don't go, we can't lose ya" Tears run down his cheeks and I let go of Soda's hand to motion him closer to me. I bring my hand to the side of his face and wipe a tear away, "it'll be alright, don't cry, you gotta stay strong for the both of us" I ruffle his hair. "y'all stay outta trouble, now, ya hear?" I point to everyone, including Darry, who put a hand on Johnny's shoulder and pulled him back.

Like a good book coming to an end, I take my final breath and shut my eyes, feeling myself slip away.

Soda's POV

Her eyes flutter shut and her grip on my hand loosens. The monitor flatlines and nurses rush to her side, shoving us out of the way. Anything I was trying to hold back was now let out as I gasp for air between sobs. Darry motions all of us out of the room and the nurses hover over her lifeless body. "do somethin, man!" Dallas yells at the nurses. "cmon, we can't stay here" Two pulls him by the arm and they walk alongside one another. I lean into Darry who throws his arm around me as we walk down the hall, leaving Y/N. Leaving my soulmate behind, letting her go.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without her"

sorry this took forever to get out-
hope you liked this!
Stay Gold!

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