not allowed // Dallas Imagine

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You had never meant for this to happen. You never wanted this to happen. Now it was too late and you were laying in bed next to the one and only, Dallas Winston.

He had a reputation of hooking up with girls and then never speaking to them again. You told yourself you wouldn't fall for him, you had to remind yourself on a daily basis that you couldn't fall for him. Your brothers, especially Darry, always told you to steer clear of Dallas, but how did they expect you to do that? He was just so irresistible.

The gang would constantly remind you of how Dally can't be in a relationship, and if anything gets serious, he just leaves. You wanted to believe they were wrong, but with the way he flirted with every girl around, you knew they had a point. It makes sense, given the fact that you never have actually have seen him with the same girl more than once. But of course now you were one of those girls. One of those stupid, stupid, girls who fell right into his arms.

You were still recovering from earlier, Dallas didn't necessarily go easy on you for your first time. You knew your brothers would lose it if they found out you guys had sex. With all of these thoughts going on in your head, you were awfully quiet. Dal must've noticed because he looked down at you and asked, "you okay?"

You hesitate. "Dallas, my brothers are gonna kill you if they find out about this." He just smirked and chuckled. "it's not funny! I won't be able to leave the house for weeks! and you'll be dead!" Now you were both laughing. You were gonna get grounded because of a boy. Dally leaned down and gave you a kiss on the forehead, "Y/N, you'll be fine, besides, how could they ever find out?" You smile at the thought of being able to be with Dallas again. "wait, this wasn't just a one time thing?" He's quiet for a little bit before answering, "you're one of the most important people in my life, Y/N, I could never just drop you " He sounded so sincere and sweet, you'd never seen this soft side of him before. You pull him closer to you, feeling all your worries wash away. "but, yeah, if the gang ever finds out about this, we're dead"

I hope you liked it!
Stay Gold!

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