if you guys went to the arcade // hc

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- as soon as you get in everyone scatters

- Soda and Steve run to the race car game

- Two-Bit just wanders around

- he can't decide on which game to play

- you followed Pony to go play Pac-Man

- he's really in the zone

- when he focuses really hard he bites his lip and scrunches his eyebrows

- it's kinda weird

- but in a cute way

- Dallas is set on a stuffed animal in the claw machine

- he will stop at nothing

- Johnny is kicking ass at skeeball

- he gets all excited each time he wins points

- until Darry comes over and destroys him

- he set a new high score and everything

- he felt kinda bad though

- so he gave Johnny his tickets

- Soda and Steve are still racing each other

- Steve keeps leaning over and distracting Soda

- "cmon, Steve, stop cheatin!"

- "I'm not!"

- Two-Bit spent all his quarters already

- he's searching the ground for any loose change he can get

- Pony beat you in Pac-Man

- "I let you win"

- "Nuh-uh!"

- Darry is dominating the place

- he won a big teddy bear for beating the strength tester game

- he ended up giving that to Johnny also

- Dallas rage-quit the claw machine

- "stupid thing.. games are for kids"

- now he's taking out his frustration on the pinball machine

- Soda beat Steve in the race game

- he bragged about it while Steve pouted

- Ponyboy and Darry were in the middle of an intense game of air hockey

- the showdown of the century

- you, some of the gang, and some kids were watching

- Ponyboy would just hit the puck as hard as possible and hope it would go in the goal

- Darry ended up winning, but only by 2 points

- you comforted Pony afterwards

- "you almost had him, Pone"

- "yeah, yeah.."

- Two-Bit was already at the front counter looking at all the fun prizes

- everyone joined him and got a bunch of stuff

- Dallas got just enough tickets to buy a pack of candy cigarettes

- Johnny got a chocolate bar

- Johnny's happy

- Ponyboy and you put your tickets together to get a book

- it was about a farm and Pony really wanted it

- he said he'd read it to you for helping him get it

- Two ended up buying a lollipop

- he immediately took it out of the wrapper and popped it in his mouth

- Darry didn't want anything

- but then he saw a football and he spent his tickets on that

- Steve and Soda didn't get anything

- they were too busy arguing over who won the race

- "no no, I passed the finish line first"

- "no, that was me!"

- in the end everyone had a good time

- Dallas just wouldn't admit it

- but you knew

- "I saw you over at that claw machine, Dal"

- "no, man, games are for little kids"

I hope you liked this!! I'll be sure to update more soon.
Stay Gold!

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