i'll be there for you // darry

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I sit down on my bed, drained. Feeling.. an unfamiliar emptiness. I had just gotten to my apartment from work, I've been working a shift from 6am-11pm. It was currently midnight. My boss had given me more hours, quoting I was "one of the most hardworking" coworkers in the office. I know it was a compliment, but I'm not sure I can handle the extra work. Either way, I was home now, and I was exhausted.

I look around the house, no sign of anyone home. I figured Two-bit, my boyfriend, most likely wouldn't be home until later. That's what frustrates me most, I work my ass off everyday and all he does is drink and goof off. Does he have a job? No. Was he out looking for one? No.

I knew he was out with friends, or strangers, given he would get pretty drunk from time to time. Well, no, all the time. I walk over to the bathroom and start the shower, stepping in and letting the warm water soothe my skin. After washing up, I get dressed into a pair of shorts and one of Two's shirts. I walk over to my side of the bed and check the clock. It was half past midnight and he still wasn't home.

The last thing I needed was to stay up all night worrying about him. He can take care of himself.. right? What feels like hours have gone by, I turn and check the clock.


Damn it.

I get out of bed and walk over to the phone. I decide to call the Curtis house first, assuming they were hanging out with Two.

The phone rings a few times before someone finally picks up.

"hey, Dar? it's Y/N" 

"Y/N?" he said in his groggy sleepy voice, "why are you up? Is something wrong? What happened? Are you oka-" 

"Darry, everything's alright, I was just callin to see if you knew where the gang was, and if Two-bit is with them." 

"Well Pony and I are here, I'm pretty sure Soda, Steve, and Two went out".

I let out a shaky breath, "okay, I figured, thanks Darry. If Two stops by, give me a call, will ya?"

"of course, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be back soon.. and I'll be sure to give 'em a good talking to."

I smile, "thanks, Dar"

"don't mention it, Y/N, I'm always here if you ever need someone" 

It falls silent for a second,

" Darry? "

" yes, Y/N? "

I could almost feel him smirk into the phone.

" i love you, goodnight " 

" love you too, sweet dreams "

I went to bed not so worried that night.

when Y/N says i love you, it's supposed to be like a friendly sort of love thing, Y/N didn't like confess their love for Darry or anything- Stay Gold!

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