dating HC // the gang

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Darry 👨‍👦‍👦
- cuddles™

- the gang would make fun of Darry for being such a big softie

- but its Darry and they know that you make him so happy

- the house is almost never empty so not a lot of sexy times 😩

- him being very protective of you

- like if some dude was trying to hit on you he just ✋
- he tries to spend all of his time with you (and of course his kid brothers)

- but obviously you don't mind hanging out with Soda and Pony

- he just doesn't want you to ever feel alone

- no one puts y/n in a corner

- also he loves it when you wear his shirts

- you just look so cute in his big t shirts

- #adorable

- but really he's just a big cuddle monster that loves you

Sodapop 🧃
- horny 4 u

- like all the time

- just constant hugs and kisses

- even in front of the gang

- you're his whole world

- it do be kinda sad though when all the girls at the DX are always flirting with him

- you and Steve both in the feels when those girls are practically drooling over Soda

- the good thing is he usually ignores them

- or he'll come over to you and kiss you

- aww

- he always reminds you how beautiful you are

- " wow "

- " what? "

- " nothin' it's just that i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the whole wide world "

- but seriously he's such a cutie

Ponyboy 🐎
- yall are eachothers firsts of everything

- first kiss, boyfriend/girlfriend, all that fun stuff

- but thats what makes it special

- he treats you like a princess

- lotssss of cuddles and snuggles

- the gang makes fun of yall for it though

- " ooh look at the PonyMAN gettin some! "

- " shut up two "

- surprisingly protective

- he'll usually have to get some help from darry or the guys..

- but if anyone tries anything with you they ain't getting away with it

- he's soooo gentle

- just very soft

- he wants to keep you safe

- y'alls relationship is just so wholesome and passionate

- #goals

Two-Bit 🧸
- P
-anytime, anywhere

-when he does it in public it's usually just so everyone knows you're his

-watching Mickey together 24/7

-sometimes you'll even bake a cake for you and him

-but a lot of the time it just ends up being a cake for him

- like sir needs to learn how to share

-gets jealous verryyyyyy easily

-you'll be talking with Darry or whatever and boom

-jealousy, jealousy 

-he's not trying to be mean he just gets afraid you'll leave him

-but of course you never would, it's two-bit, you gotta love him

-makes jokes in all situations

- " do you like sales? because clothes are 100% off "

- "..Keith... "

-he's not good with lovey dovey stuff all the time but he's not afraid to tell you how he feels

Johnny 🍯
-our little cinnamon roll

-you're his world

-his moon, his sun, his everything

-and he reminds you everyday

-you're his first thought in the morning and his last thought at night

-his favorite thing to do with you is stargaze in the lot

-which you love

-his favorite thing about you is your voice

-he'll listen to you talk for hours

-that's another thing he loves to do

-have real conversations with you while watching the night sky

-he's not really good with romantic stuff, but he knows how to express his feelings to you

-sometimes he'll try telling you how he feels, but its mostly just a lot of stuttering and sweating

-he usually just ends up kissing you

-in which you OBVIOUSLY kiss him back

-because he's your little Johnnycakes

-and you guys complete one another

Steve 🍫
-sorta like two-bit, LOTS of PDA

-he's just more into it

-like slapping your ass

-or kissing your neck

-just veryy dominant

-he of course used to get upset whenever girls would be all over Soda

-but when you came around all those girls left his mind

-as they should ✋

-his knees go w e a k when you wear short skirts/shorts

-definitely a turn-on

-just because

-usually things like that will end up in sex

-most likely in his car

-his girl, his car and chocolate cake

-what else does a greaser need?

-he can get reallly soft around you

-its not difficult for him to snuggle up in your arms and start opening up to you

-such a softie

-the only time you guys aren't together are the times you're not distracting him at the DX

-but lets be real, steve is such a sweetie and whoever thinks otherwise can leave 👉🚪

if you're wondering where Dally is I did a separate thing for him a while back, if you want another one of him, requests are open. 😌
Stay Gold!

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