forgive me // sodapop imagine

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"Steve Lucas and Y/N Mae Randle! Get your lazy asses outta bed!"

I groan at the sound of my mothers voice filling the house.

"What? I'm tryin to sleep!" I hear my brother yell from the room next to mine.

"Last I checked, you two work on Thursday mornings!!"

"Shit!" We both shout simultaneously. I quickly throw my covers off me and step into yesterday's jeans I left on the floor. As I desperately run my brush through my hair I hear my brothers door open, followed by a pounding on mine, "Cmon, Y/N! We gotta go!"

As the words were leaving his mouth I swung the door open and walked past him, jogging down the stairs and to the front door. "What's takin' you so damn long, huh, Stevie?" He mumbles something under his breath before catching up to me and walking out of the house.


"About time you two decided to show up." Steve and I are greeted by an agitated Sodapop who was helping out a customer at the register. "It's my fault, I forgot to set my alarm clock last night, I'm real sorry, Soda" I say, buttoning up my blue DX shirt. He gives me a reassuring smile, which I return. "As for you, Steve, I'm giving you the pleasure of cleaning the garage before we close up for the day."

I smirk and toss him a rag, "don't forget the spider webs in the corners." I stifle a laugh and brush past him, making my way to the room with an 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' sign on it.

"Woah, woah, woah, where do you think you're goin?" I stop and turn around to see Sodapop staring at me with his hands on his hips, "Steve isn't the only one gettin in trouble for being late, this is on you too, sweets." I scoff, "okay.. what did you have in mind?"

He scratches his head, pretending to be in deep thought as I laugh at his antics. "You have to hang out with me after work today." I furrow my eyebrows, "seriously? that's it? deal!" I go to grab a peppermint from the jar on the counter but he grabs my wrist, stopping me. "But you have to watch me work on that old Chevy corvette we just got."

I scoff and pull my hand back, "you're joking! I've been looking forward to repairing that beauty all week!" He chuckles and shrugs, "guess you must not have cared that much if you were late this mornin." I glare at him and stuff my hands in my jeans, "fine."

——time skip——

The day seemed to go by painfully slow, but as I dealt with customers and did what I was supposed to do, soon enough it was time for me to clock out. "You ready y/n/n?" Soda calls to me from the garage. "Yeah, yeah, just a sec" I sort a few coins into the cash register and close it, making sure I lock it before walking off.

"Let's get this over wi-" I pause as Soda drags his attention from me to someone behind me. "I didn't hear you come in," he says. I turn around to see Sandy, Soda's new girlfriend. She looks me up and down before returning her gaze back to Sodapop. "I need someone to go to the drive-in with, you busy?"

My heart drops and Soda grins, "Nope! y/n you don't mind, do ya?" I hesitantly shake my head, "no, you can go, Steve and I will take care of everything here." He grins and hurries to Sandy's side. "Thanks, y/n, see ya tomorrow?" I nod, "see you tomorrow." Soda and Sandy intertwine their fingers and leave hand in hand. I sigh and decide to call it a night, no longer looking forward to my time here at work.

"Ready to go, Steve?" I shout, not sure where my brother had disappeared to. "Be out in a minute!" I hear from the bathroom. "Alright, alright, take your time." I shake my head and turn off the lights before shutting the door to the garage. I lock everything up, except for the bathroom door, and wait impatiently for Steve to hurry up.

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