their favorite thing you do // the gang

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-he loves it when you give him quick kisses
-just randomly
-like he'll be cooking dinner and you'll give him a small kiss on the cheek and it makes his heart go 🦋🦋

-when you dance while listening to music
-you guys will just be hanging out and you'll start to jam out to the music playing
-watching you all happy and dancing makes him happy

-when you read to him
-yeah he likes doing the reading, but when you're reading out loud to him it calms him
-he thinks its so cute and could listen to you for hours

-he loves your laugh
-when you guys are watching Mickey Mouse he'll usually say something funny and you'll burst into laughter
-you find him hilarious and it makes him love you even more

-when you fall asleep in his arms
-he just loves seeing you safe in his arms
-usually he'll give you a kiss on the forehead or something just because he thinks you're so dang cute

-when you hug him
-he feels 10000 times better after a hug
-every now and then you'll just bring him into a big hug and when really needs it and it makes him feel truly loved

-when you visit him at the DX
-Soda usually has all the girls visiting him, so when you come to see him it really means a lot to him
-he especially loves it when you surprise him with chocolate cake too

hope you liked this!! requests are open!
Stay Gold!

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