dating Dally would include..

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- everyone needs to know you're his
- so like LOTS of PDA
- like L O T S
- he may seem all tough but when he's with you he's a big softie
- S I M P for cuddles
- on the couch, laying in bed, in the car, at the drive-in
- cuddles everywhere
- he has very tough and bad boy vibes
- but ultimately he's just really loving
- but he's not just a big softie
- very dominant
- sexy timessss
- not a lot of casual sex but like when he's mad?
- sex
- when he's sad?
- sex
- when he's happy?
- sex
- then cuddles
- always lots of kisses and hugs after doin the dirty
- when he takes you to bars he doesn't like it when you smoke/drink
- not because you can't but just because he knows its not very good for you
- he just wants to protect you
- ain't that just the sweetest thing
- but like when you ask for a cigarette he just ✋
- he treats you like a princess
- except for sexy times
- thats a whole different dally there
- he likes when he can talk to you about stuff
- he usually wouldn't talk about his feelings with anyone but with you it's different
- because you're special
- because you're his
- when you guys argue he tries not to get too upset
- he just really wants you to know he would never hurt you
- he would never call you names
- except during sexy times 😌
- which is usually after you guys fight
- but when you guys get into big fights he'll usually just leave
- like just leave wherever you are so he doesn't hurt you even more
- but the next day he'll find you and give you flowers or something and tell you how sorry he is
- like i said
- B I G softie
- but its dally so either way who wouldn't be happy dating him

hope you liked it because i got way too uncomfortable typing the word "sex"

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