unarmed // Johnny Imagine

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I walked down the street with my two best friends, Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. Ponyboy was like a brother to me. We'd known each other since birth, really. Our moms were best friends and they each got pregnant around the same time, so when I say 'best friends since birth' I mean it. Johnny, on the other hand, I see him differently than I see Pony. I've known both of them for quite a while, but Johnny was special. When I say I see him differently, I mean in a non-brotherly way. What I mean is, in a romantic sort of way.

We were walking down the street on the way to the Curtis house from school, when I heard a few voices coming from behind us, "guys, look!" I whisper shout, eyeing the Socs behind us. "Johnny, you got your switch?" Pony asked. Johnny reached for his pocket and looked at us in worry. "crap" I mumbled. I'd been jumped once before. I was with Pony, actually. We were both scared 14 year olds at the time and we got the shit beat out of us. But now there were three of us. Three greasers to four Socs, not a fun ratio. Not to mention, three unarmed greasers.

"let's run" I said. "no way, they'll get us for sure then"
"but they won't get us for sure now?"
Ponyboy had been staring at the ground the whole time, but he seemed to be walking faster as the Socs approached us.
"let's do it" Johnny said.

Before I could say anything, Johnny and Pony had bolted ahead. I hesitated for only a second before following. The Socs were just a few feet behind me. I'm not too fast, I'm not too slow, but compared to Pony and Johnny, I was most definitely slow. These two track stars were way ahead of me, I would never catch up. I stopped for a split second to catch my breath. Wait. I looked back. By now I would've been pinned to the ground with a blade to my neck. Those Socs must've given up on us. I just laughed at myself and started walking to the Curtis house.

It didn't take long before I arrived and walked through the front door. The whole gang was there. "Y/N!" Ponyboy yelled, throwing himself in my arms, "what happened?? are you okay??" I just smiled at him, "yeah, I'm okay, turns out the Socs stopped following us as soon as we turned that corner" Ponyboy sighed and released me from the hug. Darry walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "well we're just glad you're okay". I gave him a reassuring smile and noticed Johnny walk out from behind him.

"I- I'm so sorry we didn't know you weren't there and we just kept running and we were scared and just didn't know and we just-" I cut him off by placing a quick kiss on his lips. It was risky, given the whole gang was there and I'd never done anything like that before, but I didn't care. My face turned a dark shade of pink as I stood there looking at the ground. Before I could say anything, Johnny pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear,

"I wish you'd do that more often"

hope you liked this, requests are open!
Stay Gold!

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