runaways // Johnny imagine

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"Y/N, we've noticed that recently you've been more preoccupied with school and friends, when we think you should be focusing on your acting career" I've already been through this situation before..

My dad is some preppy director for a film company, and both my parents agree I need to follow that similar path. It doesn't matter what I think, though I make sure I give them a piece of my mind, they always find a way to control my life.

"I don't have an acting career." I've been in maybe two plays in my childhood, and that's it. I'm not trying to become the next Elizabeth Taylor. I knew my dad would have something to say about that, given I had made sure to get my point across about how I truly hate theatre with a passion.

"You are such a spoiled bitch!"

My eyes go wide as he lunges towards me, shoving me to the ground. My chin collides with the hardwood floor and he proceeds to shout profanities whilst striking me repeatedly. This went on for a while, as I got to input my  'i don't want to be like you!'s and both my mother and father's 'without us you're nothing!'s.

Through all the chaos I could've sworn I heard the phone ring. Almost instantly, my father stops shoving me into nearby furniture and the room fell silent, besides the ringing of the telephone in the next room over. I scramble to my feet and nearly fall, having to support my weight on the chair I was once sitting in. As soon as I catch my breath, I break down, "why do you always have to antagonize me?" I nearly scream. "we're just being your parents, Y/N,"- I scoff, cutting her off- "you're one lousy excuse of a parent".

A few tears stream down my cheeks and I bolt for the door, fumbling with the lock at first, but soon swinging it open and rushing out. I run across the pavement at a fast, constant rate, not daring to go back. I tried to run as far as I could, only having to stop to steady my breathing.

I find myself at the lot and head towards a spot I've become rather familiar with over the past couple of weeks. As I approach the tree, I hear something.


"hello?" I try peeking around it, only to be greeted by a sweaty, red-faced boy. His eyes go wide and he scoots the opposite direction of me, as if I was some sort of threat. "s-sorry, I didn't mean to bother you, I was just stopping by" I say, holding my hands up defensively. He rubs the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed that he had reacted the way he did.

"no- no, it's fine" he reassures me. I give him a soft smile, in which he returns, and take a seat next to where he had just been. I lean my head back and watch the sky, trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened earlier.

"why are you here?" He asks. I noticed he had sat down by me, our shoulders almost touching. I shrug, trying to find a way to explain, but careful not over share. "to escape", was all I said before directing my attention back to the night sky.

I look to him, only now noticing all his features. Particularly a few small cuts on his face. I was curious where he had gotten them from, but didn't want to ask and possibly scare him off. "what about you?" He smirks, fiddling with his fingers,"same here" I think about the amount of times I've seen him here before, along with the cuts and marks scattered across his face,"from who?" I ask.

He takes a second before responding, as if he had to ask himself the same question,"my parents". I nod, "me too".

I wasn't completely sure who this boy was, or what his home life was like, but I felt as if I found someone. Someone who understood me, someone who I could run to and they'd be there. I didn't even know his name and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

"my name's Y/N, by the way" I reach my hand out and he gladly shakes it, "I'm Johnny". Neither of us pull our hand away, enjoying the feeling of our hands intertwined. We sit in the quiet for a while, watching the stars hand in hand.

I couldn't help but start to feel regret of running off, given it was freezing outside and I hadn't brought my jacket along. "you cold?" He asks. I realize that I'd moved closer to him, leaning into his figure for warmth. "oh- uh, no- well, yeah-" I stutter and feel a blush creep onto my face as he chuckles, "here", he shakes off his jean jacket and places it over me.

I would've declined, saying he needed it more than I did, but I was shivering and wasn't gonna say no. I rest my head on his shoulder and he hesitantly wraps his arm around me, "is this okay?". I give him a simple, 'mhm', and huddle into him some more.

A few minutes pass and I was still wide awake, my mind running with several thoughts. Most of them consisting of Johnny, while some full of worry and stress for what was to come. I lift my head up to look at him and see that his eyes are closed and he was faintly snoring. I give him a light nudge, not wanting him to completely fall asleep just yet.

He jolts up, "I'm awake!" I laugh and he shifts in his place, holding me closer. "y'know, you're cute when you sleep" I mumble. He tightens his grip on me, "oh, yeah?". I feel my face get hot as I blush and look down at my lap.

"you're cute when you blush" I playfully hit his chest and he tilts my chin towards him, both of us admiring one another's features. Words couldn't describe how I felt in that moment, several emotions taking over me. I inch my face closer to his, our lips only inches apart. He brings a hand to the side of my face and initiates the kiss, as I slowly let my eyelids flutter shut.

My first kiss, with a boy I barely knew.

I pull back, each of us out of breath. I tuck some loose hair behind his ear and grin, "what are we?" I ask. He wraps his hands around me once more and I let him hold me in his arms, "runaways" he responds.

I smile and shut my eyes, "sounds good to me", as we fall asleep in one another's embrace.

Stay Gold!

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