messing around // gang imagine

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for Mickey-rat

I scribble down the last few sentences and the bell rings just in time. I set my pencil down and let out a sigh of relief. My teacher, Mr. Johnson, walks over to me, "Vivian!" He picks up my essay and looks it over, "Excellent job, as always." I smile and get up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "thanks, Mr. J!" I wave and leave the classroom, now on the hunt for my best friend. It was almost 8th period and the halls were crowded more than ever. I waited by my locker impatiently, where is he? I was about to leave when I hear someone yell, "Viv!".

I turn around and see Two-bit pushing his way through traffic. I laugh at the sight of him, "where've ya been?" He shrugs, "Mrs. Jones tried givin' me a detention for talking!" He stops and looks at me in admiration, "your hair looks good in braids" I roll my eyes, "thanks, your hair looks good.. greasy" I smile. "Fair enough," he says. I laugh and slam my locker shut, walking to my next class. "well, I've gotta go, see ya after school" he puts a hand on my shoulder. "wait, let's skip! it's the last class of the day, nobody'll know!" I move his hand off of me and keep walking, "sorry, students with grades as good as mine don't skip school." He sighs, "alright, I'll meet ya out front after"

-time skip-

The scraping of the chalk on the blackboard echoes through the room. I bite my lip as I try and complete the equation. "then you flip the fraction, and you're done!" I set the piece of chalk down and take a small bow. I'm in an Honors Algebra class, meaning I was the only 9th grader in a class full of 10th graders. "thank you, Vivian, you can sit down" I take my seat and smirk. It feels good knowing I'm one of the smartest kids in the room. Hard work really does pay off.

I was paying attention to Mrs. Smith when I heard someone whispering from behind me. "she's such a suck up" I ignore the girl, turning my attention back to my work, when she spoke again. "she thinks she's so smart." I roll my eyes and sigh as I think of a clever comeback for the brat behind me. I wait for the teacher to focus on her paperwork when I turn around, "I know you think I'm just a nerd, but I'm a nerd that knows her place, so if you're gonna say shit then say it to my face, bitch." I smile and the bell rings, so I grab my bag and rush out of the room, desperately needing to get out of there.

-time skip-

"Vivian!" I look up from my book and laugh when I see Two-bit waving at me like a maniac. I shut my book and run over to him, "there's my favorite freshman!" He shouts. "what about Pony?" I ask, walking as he walks alongside me, "he's alright" I shake my head and smile. "hey, wanna have some fun?" He asks. I nod my head, "always."

We reach the Curtis house and I follow Two-bit inside, "y'all wanna head to the diner? Dal's car has got a dent in the front, but it should still work, right?" Dallas shoots up from his seat, "what?" He shoves past me and rushes out the door. I laughed as Dallas eyed his untouched car, front and back. He walks back towards the house, fists clenched "you son of a-" I cut him off, "cmon, Dal, we're just messin with ya" I smirk. Two-bit grins and we get the gang's attention again, "so are we goin or not?". Everyone nods and walks out the door, piling into Dal's car.

-time skip-

I take a sip of my coke, "Pony, did you see that girl checking you out?" Two-bit nudges him. I stifle a laugh while Pony's eyes go wide and his face turns a light pink "who?" Pony peeks over the top of the booth, looking around the diner. "over there!" I say, pointing at a lady a few tables away. He turns back around and slumps down in his seat. I burst out laughing, Two-bit doing the same. "but that's Curly's mom?" Johnny gives us a funny look and Pony glares at him. "okay, guys, that's enough" Darry warns me and Two. "alright, alright" I say before taking another bite of my burger.

Two-bit steals some of my fries and stuffs them in his mouth, "thanks". I stare at him in confusion, "you have your own fries!" "but I wanted yours!" I roll my eyes before we both laugh at each other. "man, what's wrong with you guys?" I shrug and watch a group of greasers messing with one another at the table across from us. "I bet five bucks Steve can beat Soda in an arm wrestle" I say, motioning towards the two. "deal!" Soda clears out the space in front of him and the two start to wrestle. "you're goin down, Curtis" Steve says through gritted teeth. I laughed when Soda beat him. "ha! Vivian, you owe me five bucks!" Steve slams his fist on the table, "rematch!" Soda smirks, "you're on!". I laugh at the fight I had started between the two.

Two-bit leans in closer to me, "you thinkin what I'm thinkin?" I shake my head, "what is it?" He grins and nods for me to follow his lead. "hey, uh, do you guys see that?" Johnny leans forward, "see what?" I give him a confused look, "do you not see it?" Darry furrows his eyebrows and looks from me to Two-bit. "what're we lookin at?" Dallas asks. I shake my head, "wait, what?" Steve nods, "oh, I see, look Soda" Soda looks where Steve was nodding to and tilts his head to the side, "where is it?". "where is what?" I ask, letting out a faint laugh. "I think it's over there.." Two-bit says. "where?" Pony asks. "where isn't it?" I question. "who?" Soda frantically scanned the room confused about what was going on, just like everyone else.

"no, not there.." Johnny squints his eyes. "what are we looking at?!" Two-bit yells. "what you told us to!" Steve yells back. I about fell out of my chair laughing, "what?" I yell. Darry brings his hand up to his head and rubs his temples, "I'm way too old for this.." Two-bit snickers as I lean over, holding my stomach from laughter. Soda still has a confused look on his face, along with Pony, while the others just looked annoyed. "Viv, you're paying" Dallas scoots out of the booth and walks off, the rest of the gang following. "leaving so soon?" Two-bit chuckles, watching them leave. I sit back in my seat and sigh. I was going to hang out with Two-but for a while longer until I remembered that Dallas was my ride home.

"you're paying!" I get up and run past him.

"oh, cmon!"

hope you liked this!
Stay Gold!

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