gentleman // Johnny Imagine

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I put on some light lip gloss and pose in front of the mirror. I was wearing an old pair of jeans and a black tank top, along with a flannel Soda gave me a while ago, my usual outfit. I don't often put on makeup, which lip gloss isn't really much, but that's about as close to wearing makeup as I'll get. I don't have any of that fancy stuff the Soc girls use.

I tighten the laces on my black converse and run out the door. I check the living room to find my mom passed out on the couch and my dad watching the T.V. "I'm headed out" I say. My dad turns around and glares at me, "lookin like that?" I shrug, "yeah". He only takes another sip of his beer. I take a deep breath and walk out the door. I couldn't wait til I was old enough to move out.

I make my way to the drive-in. I was meeting Pony, Johnny, and probably Dallas, for a film at 9. I walk near the ticket booth, just to see how busy it is. There was a rather large crowd of people trying to buy tickets at the front, so it was easy for me to sneak under the fence. It was a little tricky to do it alone, but I got under quick and casually walked over to our usual seats.

"Y/N!" I look to my right and see Pony and Johnny waving me over. I smile and head towards them. "hey guys" I take a seat next to Ponyboy, "Dal here?"Johnny nods, "yeah, he's over by Two-Bit" I lean back into my chair, "good deal".

We were enjoying the movie until two very dressed up Soc girls sat right in front of us. It was actually really annoying, given their big heads were in the way. "hey doll" I turn to see Dallas take a seat next to me, talking to the redhead girl. "are you a real redhead, huh?" He paused. "how can I find out that this is your real red hair, if it's that same as your uh- eyebrows" he smirked, then leaned back in his chair and put his feet on hers. "get your feet off my chair and shut your trap." I was trying to hold back my laughter, but Johnny and Pony didn't seem to find it too funny. I just ignored them and watched the film, while still keeping an eye on Dallas.

Pony nudged me as we laughed at the film, "you see that? that was-". "get lost hood!!" I look in front of me to see Dallas sitting next to the girl, who was now throwing her drink at him. And me. My whole lower half was soaked. Dallas stood up, also covered in coke. "oh, I'm so sorry! I-" I cut her off, "it's fine." I stand up and get in Dal's face. "next time just keep it in your pants and shit like this won't happen" I storm off to the bathrooms.

I walk into the girls room and look in the mirror. My crotch area was a sort of dark pink from her cherry cola. "damn it.." I mumble. I grab some paper towels and try drying it as best I can. It didn't seem to be working too well, most of it had already soaked in. I could tell it was going to leave a stain. I sigh and sit on the edge of the sink. My tank top was wet, but it was nothing compared to my jeans. I was just about to leave and head home until I heard a few knocks on the door. "someone's in here!" I yell. "uh, y/n, it's Johnny".

I panic and slightly crack the door, "yes?". "I was wonderin if you need any, uh, help..?" I hesitate for a minute before opening it for him to come in. I lean up against the wall and he examines me. "I already tried drying it, it's no use". He gives me a sympathetic smile and shoves his hands in his pockets. "Dal's real sorry, so is Cherry" I only nod my head. "Johnny, why'd you come here? Why aren't you watchin the movie?" I cross my arms and he walks closer to me, "well I was worried about ya, you seemed pretty upset after you left" My face turns a light pink. "thanks" I smile, "who knew you were such a gentleman?" He chuckles before coming closer and pulling me into a hug. "now cmon, we came here to see a movie" I laugh and we rush out of the bathroom, hand in hand.

Once we reached our seats, Cherry and her friend had left and it was just Pony. Dallas had run off after I did. "hey Pone" I say, taking a seat next to him. He didn't respond, he was eyeing Johnny. "what's wrong?" I ask. Pony looked at me, then to Johnny. "Johnny, were you not just in the girls bathroom with y/n?" My face goes red and I burst out into laughter. Johnny's eyes went wide, "n-no! well, yes! b-but not like that!!" We all laughed and turned our attention back to the movie. I smiled when I got an idea. I moved my hand closer to Johnny's, still watching the screen. Out of the corner of my eye I see Johnny smirk as he grabs my hand and holds it tight.

Yep, I love him.

okay but this was cute
Stay Gold!

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