Dallas Imagine // part 3

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Sodapop's POV

"because that broad was your sister!"

My mind went blank, and I'm assuming Pony's and Darry's did too, given they looked just as shocked as me. Y/N? With Dallas? Me and Y/N were technically twins, so we were the same age, but I had always treated her as if she was my younger sister. And I was really feeling that way now.

"h-her and Dally? did they?-" Darry and I knew what Pony meant. The room had changed from shock and concern, to anger and worry. "they better not have" Darry quickly spat out before walking out the door, dragging Two-Bit along with him, "we're headed to Buck's, y'all try and knock some sense into Y/N".


"should we go wake her up?" Pony shrugs, "I guess we should". We walk to Y/N's door and I knock quietly. I assumed she was sleeping, it was late and her and Pony had school tomorrow. I slowly open the door and peek my head in, motioning for Pony to follow in behind me. I go and sit by her while Pony sits on the edge of the bed. "Y/N?" I didn't expect her to wake up, but she instantly sat up and checked her surroundings.

"Pony, Soda, what's goin' on?" Me and Pony look at each other. "Well uh- um- you and- well maybe- you uh- two-bit saw ya at Buck's and uh-" I could tell Ponyboy was having a tough time, so I cut him off by saying, "two-bit saw dally take you into his room at Buck's tonight, is there something goin' on between you two?"

I feel my face get hot. Thankfully the lights were off and it was mostly darkness, but I already knew I was a deep shade of red. "um, I uh- he was just helping me out with somethin' that's all" I sat there with a very non-convincing smile on my face. "c'mere" Sodapop grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed and out the door. He pats his hand on the couch for me to sit down. Ponyboy keeps glancing from me to the floor every few seconds. Why are they being so weird?

Soda begins, "Y/N, I know you're older now and think you know what you're doing, but-" I rub my temples, "cmon, can we not talk about this? what do you want to hear? what's the point in waking me up at one in the morning to talk?" I came off slightly aggressive, but I was exhausted and not in the mood. "we just want what's best for ya Y/N/N, and we don't think that Dallas is the best fit for you"


"gimme a break! I'm 16! I don't need your approval" Pony and Soda share a sort of annoyed look, causing me to roll my eyes. This whole time, I hadn't even noticed that Darry was missing, "where's Darry?" They each look at each other then to me. Given the look on their faces, I knew it wasn't good. "well?" Soda eventually spoke up, "well, he went to go talk to Dallas"

Ponyboy's POV
Y/N held her head in her hands, she didn't seem too happy. "what's wrong?" I ask, hoping she'd give me an answer. "I just- Jesus, Darry's gonna kill him" She wasn't wrong. With Dal's reputation and them being together, there's no way whatever was going on over there could be good. It was about 1:30 in the morning and all of us were tired. Speaking of which, Y/N was almost passed out on the couch. Soda was half-asleep half-awake in Darry's chair. I decided to move to the couch and lay next to Y/N.

Dallas's POV
I get woken up by the sound of banging on my door. "occupied!" I yelled. I turn on my side, ready to fall asleep, when my door swings open. "Jesus man, get another room!" I turn over to see who's being such a pain, to find Darry Curtis and Two-Bit towering over me. "oh uh- hey guys, how's it goin?"

Before I knew it I had thrown a shirt on and was sitting on my bed along with Two and Darry. "what the hell man, what's this all abou-"
"I'll be the one asking the questions" I could tell Darry was serious, so I figured it'd be in my best interest to keep quiet after that.

I was close to falling asleep in my seat until Darry finally spoke up. "just, tell me this, did you and
Y/N-" I freeze, "uh, no?" I rub the back of my neck, avoiding any eye contact. Darry sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "can't believe I'm havin' this conversation right now.." he pauses, "did you use protection?" I quickly nod my head.

"but, why, Dal? you're with girls all the time, you ain't gonna just fuck her and move on?" Darry smacks Two-bit upside the head, "you shut your trap". I smirk, "I could never do that to Y/N, she's different, she- she, uh-" Two-Bit looks at me funny and Darry just looks anxious.

"damn it, man, I love her and I'd do anything to make her happy"

And with that Darry put a hand on my shoulder, "well, Winston, maybe you're not so bad after all" I give him a half-hearted smile and they turn to leave.

"oh, but Dallas, if you ever hurt her, we won't be afraid to return the favor"
"right back at ya Two-Bit"

I got about 10 minutes of sleep when Darry had walked into the house. I sat up and looked around, Soda and Pony were both asleep, and Darry was walking towards me. I completely forgot about earlier.

"listen Dar, i-"

"it's okay"

What? That's it?
"did you talk to Dallas?"

"yeah, me and Two talked to him for a while and we realized maybe he's not so bad"

I look over at him and he has a look of sincerity in his eyes.

"it's about time" I say as I get up to give him a hug.

"but you're still way too young to date"

"wait, what?"

so here's this.. i mean you get to be with Dallas so you've gotta be happy💁‍♀️
Stay Gold!

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