surprise // steve imagine

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I walk into the DX to visit my boyfriend, Steve. I knew it was around his lunch break, so I had made him some chocolate cake. I walk into the station and see Sodapop running the cash register. "heya, y/n, how's it goin?" I smile and walk over to the counter, placing the box down. "I'm good, just bringing Steve some lunch," he pulls the box towards him and peeks inside. "ooh, I see" he laughs and walks over to the garage. "Stevie! you got a visitor here waitin for ya!"

I grab the box and walk over to Soda, peeking inside the garage. "Y/N? what're you doin here?" He asks, walking towards me. I smile and hold the box in front of me, "I got somethin for ya" he walks over to me and raises his eyebrow. "alright" he grabs it and looks inside. His face instantly lights up as he takes out the plate and looks to me. "you're amazing" he puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "wanna sit down?" I nod my head and follow him into the lobby. I hop up on the counter as he sets the cake down next to me.

"here" I say, grabbing a fork from the box. He looks at me, then the fork, and pouts. "what?" I ask. He smirks and grabs a small fistful of cake. "see, this is how ya do it" I laugh and do the same. "to us" he says, pretending to make a toast with his cake, "to us" I say. We both take a bite, giggling and smiling. "alright you guys, no PDA in the workplace." I look over my shoulder to see Soda leaning against the wall, eyeing us. Me and Steve look at each other, and burst out into laughter. "yeah, yeah, whatever you say Pepsi-Cola"

I look at Steve. Seeing him this happy makes me happy. He's usually this tuff guy that likes to beat people up, but I knew this soft side to him and I loved it. "I love you" I say. He leans in and plants a small kiss on my lips, "I love you too, darlin"

this isn't the best but we needed a Steve imagine in here. 😌
Stay Gold!

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