if you guys went to the lake // hc

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- everyone not bothering to go in the water at first
- Johnnycakes has already started on a sandcastle
- he's so happy
- Ponyboy gives Johnny the thumbs-up
- Johnny and Pony are sand castle pros now
- they're having a blast
- that is until two bit comes running through the sand knocking it over
- then Steve
- " gUUuUYssSSs wHyYYy "
- Steve and Two just laugh
- Soda feels kinda bad though
- he tries to help them rebuild it
- the boys happy again
- Dally is walking along the shoreline by himself
- wow so aesthetic
- then Steve runs over to him and pushes him into the water
- Steve just giggles
- then Darry comes over
- oh no
- Darry pushes Steve into the water
- also giving Darry a chance to show off his muscles
- strong boy
- " cmon boys, get in the water! "
- Soda has no problem taking off his shirt and running into the water
-  Ponyboy sorta hesitates but decides he should get in
- he just slowly walks in though
- its a little chilly
- Johnny on the other hand
- he sees that everyone else is in the lake
- except for him and two bit
- but that's just because two had to go put his mickey shirt somewhere dry so it wouldn't get wet
- " check this out guys! "
- two- bit gets a running start and leaps into the lake
- a not-so-good cannonball you could say
- Johnny is happy building his sandcastle
- he doesn't see the big deal about getting in the water
- plus he can't really
- y'know
- swim
- Dally to the rescue
- Dally gets out of the water and sits next to Johnny
- " you okay Johnny? "
- he just sort of nods his head
- " cmon, I'll go in with you, we can go together "
- Johnny likes the sound of that
- the two boys walk over to the water, Dally having to lead Johnny into the water
- " woah "
- Johnnycakes happy
- the boys are playing and splashing in the water
- Soda a bit annoyed though
- he kinda just wants to chat it up with the girls tanning
- but he can't ditch his crew
- bros before hoes ( a/n so sorry-)
- everyone just kinda looks at Ponyboy
- then proceeds to dunk his head underwater
- they've been playing in the water for what seems like hours
- along with games of chicken fights
- obviously Soda on Steve vs Johnny on Dally
- and of course Soda and Steve won because Johnny didn't wanna hurt anyone
- but Dally didn't mind
- lets just say Dally isn't okay with losing
- Darry just had to make sure nobody drowned
- or went out too far
- or try and talk to the sunbathing girls
- okay yeah Darry was parent mode pretty much the whole time
- but he still had fun
- everyone had a good time and nobody wanted to leave
- but the girls left and soon the boys thought it was a good time to go too
- they all walked home, soaking wet with the sound of squeaky flip-flops on their feet
- the boys were laughing and talking all the way home
-" wait, where's Johnny? "
- oops
just imagine all of the guys in swimsuits
anyway, let me know if you have any requests or suggestions!
Stay Gold!

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