his favorite place to take you on dates // the gang

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-at home
-he'll usually cook you guys a nice dinner
-most of the time you'll end up falling asleep together on the couch

-the drive-in
-he loves watching films with you
-especially when you guys cuddle

-the roller rink
-he'll usually wrap his arms around your waist to balance himself
-he can't really skate but he knows you like to so he enjoys it

-his car
-he enjoys going on long drives with you
-it's not too romantic, but you love it

-the diner
-you both have a lot of fun eating and messing around with each other
-he really likes hanging out with you and just talking

-the town
-he loves wandering around with you
-when he's in a good mood he'll steal ya something nice

-the movies
-sometimes he'll wrap an arm around you or hold your hand
-he just wants you guys to have a good time

hope you liked this!
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