being the Mathews sister would include..

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-you two being really close

-the iconic brother-sister duo

-goofing around with each other 24/7

-you get to hang out with the gang all the time

-he forbids you from going to the rumbles

-"cmon, two, I can protect myself! I wanna beat people up too!!"

-"nope, you get to hang out here with Ponyboy and watch Mickey!"

-you and Pony are always hanging out together since y'all are both the youngest

-two-bit will constantly tease you about it

-"y/n's got a boyfriend, y/n's got a boyfriend!"

-"we're just friends!!"

-will embarrass you in public

-especially at school

-"look at little y/n talking with her boyyyfriend! pack it up lovebirds!"


-you guys always know how to make each other smile

-when you come home sad or upset he's right on it

-"you okay y/n? what's wrong?"

-"nothin, I'm okay"

-"I know you're not, cmon, I'm here for you, tell me what happened"

-because he loves you

-and he's always reminding you

-"alright, night two, see ya in the mornin"

-"night kiddo, love you"

-"love you too"

-definitely wins #1 big brother award

-he's always there for you

-and that's what siblings are for

my heart 😩✋ I think I'm gonna make this a mini series thing of being the younger sister of the gang. let me know what you think!!
Stay Gold!

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