bedroom // Darry Imagine

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I walk in the house and shut the door behind me, trying my best to stay quiet. It was dark inside, so I had a good chance of my parents being asleep. I tiptoe up the stairs and to my room, being sure to step in all the right spots so the floor wouldn't creak too much. I enter my room quickly and quietly and shut the door behind me, locking it. I walk over to my bed and fall onto it, letting my blankets and pillows engulf me into the comfort of my mattress. I didn't have the energy to change into pajamas, or even take off my sneakers, I was too drained. I feel my eyelids get heavy as I slowly drift off into a much needed sleep.

"Y/N Y/L/N, unlock this door right now!"

I jolt up and scramble to get to my feet, hurrying to answer. I open the door and am greeted by my furious mother. "good morning to you, too" I say, walking away and to my dresser. "why was your door locked? You know damn well you ain't allowed to lock it" I shrug and yank my brush through the large knot in my hair, "sorry". "well, your dad and I are leaving for a trip today, so pack a bag and be ready to leave for the Curtis' shortly" she said before leaving, not bothering to shut the door behind her. I roll my eyes and grab my backpack off the floor, stuffing it with clothes and other necessities. I sling it over my shoulder and walk out of my room and down the stairs.

My mom eyes me in disgust, "you look homeless, you could at least try and look presentable". I didn't want to have to explain to her that I was out at Buck's late last night, and that I slept in these clothes, so I just ignored her. "are we leaving now?" I ask. "yep, you can walk to the Curtis' house, I'm sure they'll take ya" I let out a forced laugh as my dad opens the door, "we'll be back in one week, behave yourself while we're gone!"

I put on a fake smile as my mom gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks out to the car. I wave at them as they pull out of the driveway and off to who knows where. I didn't have any interest in staying at my house alone all week, so I lock the front door and make my way to the Curtis house.

Ever since I was real young I've been close with the Curtis brothers, and when the gang came around, I grew close with them too. I've always been closest with Darry, though, we're only 2 years apart, me being 18 and him 20. He's always been there for me, listening when I needed to rant, and holding me when I needed to cry. To say I was excited to stay with them all week was an understatement.

As I'm walking to the house, I watch the sunrise, shades of orange and yellow dancing across the sky. I keep wandering as I watch the view, taking it all in. I was so distracted that I passed the house and had to run back, quickly opening the door, letting the screen door slam behind me.

"I'm home!!" I yell, strolling through the living room and taking a seat on the couch. I was surprised no one was awake yet, I figured someone would be up by now. A few seconds later, I hear some rustling and a few stomps before a door is flung open and I see Darry peek his head out. I stand up as he steps out of the room and hurries down the stairs. "what're you doin here?" He asks, giving me a small hug. "parents are goin outta town, can I crash here for a week?" I pull away and flash him a cheeky grin.

"of course, you can uh.. you can have my room" I furrow my eyebrows, "where would you be sleeping then?" He rubs the back of his neck and a smirk creeps upon his face,"well... my room" He looks down at me and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. He leans down, inches away from my face. I close my eyes as he closes the gap in between us, our lips connecting in a sensual kiss. I smile into his lips and he pulls away, grabbing my hand. "to the bedroom?" He smirks. "lead the way" I say, following close behind him.

This was gonna be a good week.

a small imagine for the Dar-bear💛
hope you liked this!
Stay Gold!

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