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Hello my loves, okay so hear me out. I really want to go back and tweak my story.

When I started it I honestly had no plans on the character. I had a storyline kind of made up but personality-wise I just made it up each episode. 

So I want to go through and actually give her some form of a personality better. And since she can't regenerate I need to keep it consistent unlike the Doctor's. 

Honestly, it's nothing you all need to think about, I just needed to put this here as I work on them so you all know what I'm doing.

Once I'm done you don't have to re-read, there aren't going to be any major changes other than me developing her personality which I want to make humorous and a little least that's what I think I want right now.

I also want to go through and take note of the character so I can remember what I've put for future episodes. You have no idea how many times I needed to go through every chapter just to find a slither of information I had before. 

Feel free to message or ask questions here or on my profile, it may seem like I'm inactive cause of the lack of chapters as I edit things but I'm still here dilly-dallying.

I won't be offended if you ask where I'm up to in the editing as long as you are nice and not demanding.

Anywho, the decision between the storylines for Human Nature/The Family Of Blood are still open and will be closed once I begin to write Episode 7 of Season 3.

I am also in the process of writing Love And Monsters as a full episode for those who wanted it (Will be posed to the other book I have for DW extra bits once done).

Love you all, thanks for understanding and patience. See you soon.


'Oh, by the way, the book is still going to be up while I do this, don't worry. Never to be taken down or abandoned this story no matter how long it takes'

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