(5) Lets Play Chess - Present

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Chapter Five

I sat with my legs crossed, my elbows digging into them as I lend forward. My eyes glued to the game that was happening with my surrounding nothing but a faint buzz. Mike moved his knight at last as my brows furred.

He was suppose to move his queen. He never follows the plan.

"It's been a month, Mike. Are you ready to hear everything?" I asked, moving my own queen so that it wouldn't get taken.

I didn't need the pawn or that night. What I need was my queen to remain on the board.

"Yes," he answered, his seat moving a noise as he moved.

Nodding I adjusted myself as well. If he didn't handle everything calmly then I would have to erase his memories and make sure that they'll never break free. If he actually managed not to freak out then I wont have to compel him.

Either way I would still have a won.

"I've told you before that I'm not human and you believe that but I never told you what I was," I started, watching him with sharp eyes. "Do you believe in vampires, Mike?"


I nodded, grinning at him. "They do exist and that's what I am." Fear flickered in his eyes. "I'm stronger, and faster then a human. It is near impossible to kill me. The only thing keeping me from burning in the sun is this ring that I wear." I lifted my hand up for him to get a better look at it. "But I am not the worst creature that roams this earth."

Points to him for not running out of the room screaming.

Points to me for being awesome.

"I drink human blood. I drink your blood Mike." I waited, watching to see if this would freak him out. "Don't you wonder why some days are harder then others? That's because I take the very thing that runs through your veins."

What is wrong with this man? I swear he's as bad as Bella when it comes to not freaking out.

He should've called me a liar already. He should've freaked out and went running out of the room.

Not sit and take it calmly.

I was going to lose the bet if I didn't get some sort of normal reaction out of him.

"Questions?" I asked.

He stared at me, different emotions flashing through his eyes. His hands clenched together but other then that slight movement he stayed still. What was passing through his mind at that moment?

Did he think I was lying and only trying to freak him out?

Did he believe me and realize that vampires do exist?

Did he want me to prove it?

"Are... are the Cullen's like you then?"

So his question is about the vampire family. Is he worried about the human Bella?


"Does she know?"


He looked down anger clear in his eyes. He was upset that Bella knew about vampires it seemed. Was it because she was putting herself in danger or because she didn't pick him over them?

"They wont harm her," I begin not waiting for his next question. "If they harm a human or turn a human the treaty breaks and they are destined to be killed by those wolves." My nose wrinkled just thinking about them creatures.

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