(7) Prom - Present

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Chapter Seven

"Are you going to Prom this year?" Mike asked, leaning against the wall beside my locker.

I pulled out another book that I would need that day before turning to look at him. "Haven't given it much thought. Besides, I don't have anyone to go with." I grinned, raising an eyebrow at him.

He rolled his eyes, dropping his arm around my shoulders before leading me to my next class. We didn't share them all together, but he didn't have to go out of his way if he wanted to walk me.

Mike hadn't changed much since I told him about being a vampire a few nights before. In fact it seemed that he was more at ease now then before but I did still notice the glares he sent towards Edward. I feel he still dislikes the mind reader.

Not that I could blame him.

"I could go with you."

Wow, his ability to ask has so not improved. I rolled my eyes though my grin didn't drop.

"Aren't you going with Jessica?"

"Why would I go with Jessica?"

I sighed this time. "Because you're human, and she's human Mike. But sure, I'd love to piss her off when she finds out I'm going with you." I chuckled, knowing just how much Jessica was into Mike.

I'm pretty sure they had dated the year before at some point.

Humans were so fun to mess with.


Most humans were fun to mess with.

It seems the this one didn't have a brain.

"I have to tell Alice, oh and Angela. Looks like I'll be going to get a dress at the last possible moment. That should be fun if Alice doesn't kill me for not planning before hand. It's going to be torture. Thanks Mike, thanks," I mumbled, my mind racing over what Alice would force me to do and how it could possible turn wrong.

Maybe I shouldn't go. I'm sure something more important would be happening anyways.

Ya, I'll go solve the murder case in Settle. That's a good reason to not go shopping. A great reason to skip Prom.

Yup, I might as well tell Mike that I changed my mind.

"Great, I'll see you at lunch." Mike vanished.

Stupid humans.

My eyes fall on a beaming Alice as it came to me that we shared this class. No doubt she heard everything that I just told Mike. I knew she wouldn't have been listening on purpose until the word Prom escaped him.

I was going to kill him.

I walked past the desks that were filled with people talking, before slipping into mine next to her. "Oh, just get it over with. Prom's five days away and I know you're already searching for a dress for me," I said, rolling my eyes at her. "I should've really thought about my answer before giving it."

"It's going to be so much fun!" She exclaimed. "You're going to love it! We need to get Edward and Bella to go to. Of course that means I'm going and that also means I need to get a dress."

Watching Alice become so excited over something like this was really silly. I didn't think that she cared much for school events like the dances or anything. From what I had learned about them they had only gone to Prom once otherwise they only entered school during the day.

She really needed to go more if it made her this happy.

I could always count on Alice to be the go-happy one.

"Oh, you're going to Prom Belle?" I smirked as I heard Jessica voice.

"Mike finally asked me, otherwise I wouldn't be." I turned to her at last. "Last minute I'm more then confident I'll be able to pull off getting the prefect dress with Alice's help here. Who are you going with Jessica?"

She had became more hostile towards me since I've returned with the Cullen's. I think the main reason was because Mike was picking me and she still couldn't get Edward to glance in her direction. It's a shame really that she let her jealousy carry her like this.

At least I was letting the vampire I loved be with his human.

Even though the family accepted me one as of them and I was pretty much around 24/7. Plus he couldn't get away from me when he did return to his house unless he hide in his room. I didn't avoid him and I tried to be peaceful.

Even when I felt that same sharp pain in my chest. Even if it felt like someone was ripping my heart out.

There was nothing I could do to get his love.

"So then Mike didn't ask you a month ago?" I sensed something unpleasant in her voice. "I guess you were just a second choice after all." She laughed, ending the conversation there.

I stared at her confused.

"Alice, you see the future. Any clue to what she was talking about?" I asked, wondering if Alice might've possible seen something a month ago that I should know about.


I shrugged, turning my attention to her. "So where are we going and what dress do you see me wearing?" I asked, hoping that she could finally see me in her visions.

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