(6) Flowers in another Time - Past

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"She's talking to angles, counting the stars. Dancing with strangers, she's falling apart."

Chapter Six

13-year-old Human Belle - Time Period

I ran after my older brother, trying to make sure that the flower stayed in it's place. "Klaus! I'm not nearly as tall as you," I called after him, a grin on my face. "Can't you just wait a second brother!"

"You're just slow, little sister. How do you expect to play with the big kids if you can't keep up with them?" I rolled my eyes at his teasing tone. "You're going to miss it if you do not hurry."

My grin widen as I finally caught up with him.

"Are you sure it's I who will miss it and not you, brother?" I asked, watching as my brother did exactly what I wanted him to and looked at me.

His eyebrows were knotted together, confused by what I meant. I watched, letting out a laugh as I managed to trip my brother without going down with him. Now I was the one in the lead and he deserved it for nearly losing me a couple of times.

"Hurry Brother or you'll miss it!" I called out behind me teasing him.

"Arebelle!" Klaus shouted.

Looks like someone didn't like falling. He really shouldn't expect me not to use his own tricks against him. He has to realize at some point that everything he teaches me will be used against him and the rest of the family.

My grin widen as I picked up my own pace so that he wouldn't catch me so face. I knew better then to doubt my brothers ability.

Klaus had sneaked us out making sure that no one else woke up. The moon lit up the ground around us making it easy enough to run through the darkness. He had wanted to cheer me up and make me forget what had happened.

I let him.

It wasn't a full moon just yet so we didn't have to worry about any interactions with wild werewolves. At the moment we were safe from any dangerous beasts that roamed the night.

Whispers spread to everyone who had an opened ear.

There I saw the fire burning brightly even from were I was. Its flames licked at the air as shapes danced around it. Music floated into the air, giving them something to move to.

Klaus hadn't been lying.

I approached, my steps slowing down. "What did I tell you," Klaus said, his hand falling on my shoulder as we stood just outside of the fires light. "Let's have some fun." I knew my brother would have that devilish grin on his face.

Klaus entered the group first, moving into step with everyone else. It was like he had been there since the beginning instead of just arriving. He was enjoying him self like the others that surrounded the fire.

I already knew how furious father would be if he saw us.

No doubt he'd get rid of me that second if he could see this.

Maybe that was why I joined in. Why I enjoyed the night dancing with everyone else as the music filled the air. I felt so free at that moment.

There wasn't anything wrong at that moment.

All my problems, all my pain, just disappeared into the wind.

Everyone moved around the fire some in pairs, and others alone. Our feet pounded against the ground, dull under the sound of the flute whistling in the air. The tone picked up pace taking us with it.

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