(29)Screams Echo - Present

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Third Person POV

Her screams would echo through the house, bouncing off each wall, over and over again. Her heart would beat with the venom that followed through her, rapidly spreading the fire she felt over and over again. Her skin burned anyone who dared to try and touch her.

Her body ached up before dropping to the ground as the pain would pass for a moment. Her hands balled into fists, her nails digging into her palms as she tried to find a way to be distracted from the fire burning inside of her.

The wound from the vampire didn't heal, but oozed with the venom that spread through her body. Blood slowly trickled from the wound as well, soaking through the bandages that were put on her.

Belle could remember the pain from the time before.

She was aware of her surroundings each time her heart would kick start.

Moving even a little would caused the young girl large amounts of pain. Belle had to stay still - perfectly still - if she didn't want to hurt even more. She cried, wishing for her family to be there with her unaware that Elijah was next to her each passing second.

She knew she wasn't alone. Their hands would touch her cheek softly, wiping away the tears that fall, but she would never see their face. Their voice was smooth and was pleasant even if she couldn't understand the soft reassuring words he was whispering.

Three days had passed and there was no improvement.

Three days Elijah sat listening to his sister screams of agony.

Three days Belle cried for her family, cried for her brothers, and cried for herself.

A knock sounded at the door, bringing Elijah's attention from his sisters suffering and to an unexpected guest. Standing up he walked to the door with no real idea to who would be visiting them at this time when it was clear that Belle wasn't doing any better. The sound of heartbeats told Elijah that it wasn't those vampires she claimed to like.

Sam and Paul on the other side of the door, determined to see Belle and to know if she was doing any better. Paul didn't understand why he had to come along as he didn't get along with the girl anyways and knew if she turned into what the Cullen's were that they would be enemies for life. Sam simple said that it was Paul's duty to go.

Paul couldn't refuse Sam seeing as the older male was the Alpha in the pack.

"Is there something you need?" Elijah asked, eyeing the two cautiously.

"Is Belle dead," Paul demanded, being blunt.

Sam knew that it wasn't a bright move to bring him but had gone against his gut and did so anyways. This is what he gets for not listening to his instincts. Paul was playing a dangerous game now and Sam had been the one to allow it.

"No." His answer was cold. "She's very much alive."

Elijah wouldn't still be here if his sister was died. He wouldn't have allowed the creatures that caused this to happen to still be alive. He would've already ripped their hearts out and burnt them to ashes so that no one would've been able to revive them.

That was still his plan if she didn't get better.

"Well, let us see her then," Paul snapped, taking a step forward.

Elijah raised an eyebrow at the young man, surprised at his attitude. "Why would I let the things that caused this to happen go anywhere near her?" He inquired, remembering nothing from his sister phone calls that said she had became best friends with werewolves or that she had fallen in love with one.

"Because Belle would want it," Sam answered, placing a hand on Paul's shoulder as he found himself straightening his back and looking down in Belles brother. "We only want to help her. We want her to know that she isn't alone."

Elijah knew that his sister had an affect on people but to think that it would make them care so deeply for her was another thing. He couldn't remember anyone besides himself and Finn caring so much about Belle. Not even Klaus had been this protective and worried over her since they had became vampires.

He knew that these two were right. He was sure that his sister would want them in their with her but he couldn't accept that. He also knew that Sam didn't look like he was about to back down until he got what he wanted.

Stepping aside he allowed the two inside the house and lead them to where his sister was withering away in pain at. As they approached the room Elijah heard no heartbeat coming from it, but sensed that she was still there. Pushing the door open to her room Sam and Paul felt like they fall into a fairy-tale and was seeing Sleeping Beauty who wouldn't wake up from her sleep until the kiss of her true love.

But both knew that this wasn't a fairy-tale and that Belle wasn't Sleeping Beauty.

"I'm going to rip their heads off," Paul snarled, his anger slowly raising. "It's his fault that she's like this."

Sam shook his head. "Calm down Paul before you cause yourself to shift," he ordered, watching the boy continue to shake still. "Has she woken up yet?"

Elijah stared at this sister peaceful looking form.

"Watch and you'll understand," he said, not looking at the two shifters.

Sam and Paul listened and stood watching as Belle didn't move an inch. The seconds ticked and both were slowly starting to get restless. Sam wondered if she had died because of the bite and that Elijah just couldn't accept that fact.

Then it happened, shocking the two.

Belle gasped, her heart beating once again, her body jerking up. Her eyes flew open as she grabbed her chest that burned with pain. She felt as if someone, or something, had stabbed her with vervain over and over.

Paul went to step forward a smile almost forming on his face.

The scream that escaped her chilled the two shifters to their very core, causing them to flinch back in pain. Their bones ached, their blood pumping, the hair on their bodies stood up on end from her terrified, agony filled scream.

Elijah face twisted into pain, showing the very emotion that he hadn't felt for such a long time. He turned, leaving the two of them in the room alone, as he could no longer bare hearing his sister screams. They were already like echoes in his head that he wouldn't be able to forget.

He knew that Belle was in pain and he couldn't do anything about it.

He didn't know a cure that could help her.

He didn't know a witch that would be strong enough to fix her.

But there was one person he knew would move heaven and hell to find a cure. And no matter how much Elijah didn't want to do it. No matter how bad the idea actually was he began to think that it would be the only way to save her.

He might not show love. He might not be protective. He might not worry but he was her brother and she was family.

They didn't abandon family.

Stab them in the back? Sure.

Betray them? Of course.

Disown them? Only if they deserved it.

But abandon them? Never.

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